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Recent content by MadReefer

  1. MadReefer

    Bunch of arcos not thriving in my tank

    Was this for me or another person?
  2. MadReefer

    Big Thanks to Ezreefin

    Eric came over today and checked par in my tanks. The 80g is good on custom settings. It was getting crazy oar on fixed settings like SPS. I need to get some low height rocks now 2 or 3 and place my across on them. Getting aboutv400 par midway. The 30g was low so was and adjust so getting 200...
  3. MadReefer

    Pictures - Show Off Here!

    30g cube and 80g DT.
  4. MadReefer

    Bunch of arcos not thriving in my tank

    I have green nepthea, green hairy shrooms and stylo frags. Can bring to Midland Park if you're interested.
  5. MadReefer

    Phosban Reactor

    Thank you. Where are you located?
  6. MadReefer

    WTB - 2'x2' frag tank (Brick 08724)

    I think Mickey has an AIO tank about that size. I passed as it's 10" tall I believe.
  7. MadReefer

    Phosban Reactor

    Looking to make a DIY CO2 scrubber as my PH is already dropping from 8.o to 7.8. Once I close up everything for the winter will drop more. LMK what you have. Prefer local to 08701.
  8. MadReefer

    Yellow tip acro frags

    If you are going g to the Midland Park show, I'm interested.
  9. MadReefer

    Looking for Random inverts for a small tank

    Damn, you beat me to the conches.
  10. MadReefer

    Dosing advice needed pump product how to

    I will send you pics tomorrow and price.
  11. MadReefer

    Dosing advice needed pump product how to

    I will be at the Midland Park frag show month helping promote the club. LMK
  12. MadReefer

    Anyone here do freshwater tanks?

    Joe, Horseplay, has FW tanks. Send him a message.
  13. MadReefer

    Dosing advice needed pump product how to

    I may have a single head Kamoer. Located in Lakewood.
  14. MadReefer

    80g rimless build

    Parameter Check using Salifert test kits. Alk - 6.1 Calc -490 PH - 7.8 Mag - 1470 Nitrate - 5 Phos - 1 Adding more coral probably caused the Alk dropped I did increase dosage and will monitor. PH usually falls to this range. Through the year its between 7.8 and 8.1. I assume my Nitrate and...
  15. MadReefer

    Its been a while.

    Glad to see you're back.