• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.



NJRC Member
I’m looking to seed my tank with coroline algae.
My thought was to use Helix and I can’t find it in stock anywhere. So here’s my question does anyone ever scrape it off there glass and or Equiptment? I want to blend it up and seed my tank to supercharge my slow coroline progress. It would have to be a decent amount to make it worth it.
Anyone who can help? Thanks Rob
Hey Rob, I have a lot of encrusting coraline algae that has been dropping off in flakes from my back wall. If you’re ever near my area (07054), I can get you some.


NJRC Member
I’ve got some rubble with coraline I can pull out for you if you’d like. Freehold.
Thank you I will let you know, it’s harder to get it off rocks then it is just to scrape off glass. Also less chance of inviting any hitchhikers. But I may take you up on some and give it a try being your close.


NJRC Member
I do, and still have your frag.
Are you working this week?
If we can’t meet tomorrow or Friday maybe the weekend will work.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Algae Barn just got this in...
Algae Barn just got this in...
Ooo pee in a bottle lol , sorry to be &ick don’t believe in that stuff