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I having a huge zoa / paly sale !!!


NJRC Member
So me being the monkey that I am I have been fraging a lot of zoa and paly. For the last two days.
I been dipping them in hydroporoxied . I have boxes of gloves and mask but you know when that primitive
monkey brain starts. I am like it’s no problem, I don’t need no mask lol

right now i have a low fever and my heart is racing bp from my watch says it’s 129
and I am laying in bed.

I am posting this not to get sympathy but in case I have to go to the hospital they don’t misdiagnose me.

also when I get out of this I am getting rid of all the zoas and palys in my system.

please wear gloves and mask when you dealing with zoa / paly rocks.



Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
happens to everyone bud in some way or another. definitely have to use PPE when fragging zoa and palys. I find the bigger the they are the higher the risk.


NJRC Member
happens to everyone bud in some way or another. definitely have to use PPE when fragging zoa and palys. I find the bigger the they are the higher the risk.
I also think some people are more sensitive to the toxin. I got rid of my discus tank because I was getting a allergic reaction to black worms . And that’s what they loved to eat . I stop ordering them from California.
but the person I was buying the meat mix started to add black worms to his food mix.
so discus had to go


NJRC Member
Amado, I hope it will be fine. I don’t know how bad it can get but let your wife check on you every once a while, like setting an alarm.
I have blood work appointment tomorrow morning at summit medical.
my yearly check up is always the Monday after the Super Bowl. So I will also mention it to my doctor.
so I will let them know to see if they can test for it.
I am not telling my wife anything lol


NJRC Member
Power thru bud. Stay hydrated.

I started this hobby not using gloves, destroyed my hands and dried them out gloves with a rubber band is life changing so it is two birds one stone.

Feel better


NJRC Member
Good morning
Today I feel better. No more fever and my heart rate is normal.
Thanks to everyone that reached out and thank you refine community.

I will post a separate post in the next few days getting rid of Zoas some will be cheap and some will be free.


NJRC Member
Power thru bud. Stay hydrated.

I started this hobby not using gloves, destroyed my hands and dried them out gloves with a rubber band is life changing so it is two birds one stone.

Feel better

yeah I will always wear gloves when I frag in the future.