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Anemone Blues (or reds in my case)

Ok. I know this definitely falls into 1st world problems but NJTaxMan is not happy!! I got a wonderful red bubble tip anemone and a pair of clowns with the reefer's most basic dream of the anemone host the clowns. Not only will my clowns not go anywhere near my anemone...not only will my anemone not stay in one place...but OOps I split it again!! (singing Brittany spears in my head). I now have THREE..yes count them THREE... red Bubble Tip Anemone's that are not hosting my clowns. I can just hear them singing "I will do anything for love but I wont do that!!" What is a gal to do?!? BeatleJuice, BeatleJuice, BeatleJuice!!! Calgon take THEM away!!

Anyway...maybe putting these up for sale or trade if I can figure out how to get them off the rock without hurting them. GRRRR


NJRC Member
clowns and anemones will do what ever they want.
At this moment I have all my anemones hosted by clowns.

in my main tank I have 4 skunk clowns. In my Expirience skunk clowns are the easiest clowns to host. They go directly to the anemones.
in my main tank I have a rainbow bubble tip and a long tentacles and they host them both.

I also found tomato clowns will host any anemone. But tomato clowns are assholes. I have tomatoes clowns in the anemone tank.

I have a separate tank with a csb anemone and that’s hosted by a really mean Maroon clownfish

I believe anemones are happier and don’t move when they are being hosted.
I also feel clown fish are happier when they have a home.
What type of clowns. If ocellarus or percula they naturally don’t host bubble tips. In a tank setting they can. When I kept clowns i tired for species specific natural symbiosis. Polymnus and Haddoni. Favorite pairing. Old pic but satisfying. Hope they find their home 523C7FB6-ED3F-4E16-8ADB-73B173548228.jpeg


NJRC Member
What type of clowns. If ocellarus or percula they naturally don’t host bubble tips. In a tank setting they can. When I kept clowns i tired for species specific natural symbiosis. Polymnus and Haddoni. Favorite pairing. Old pic but satisfying. Hope they find their home View attachment 41636
That’s a very nice clown fish will do whatever they want
Occlellarus. Shrugs. Not going to lose sleep over this. I’m more annoyed with my anemones splitting. I have already giving up on hosting.

diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
BTA's are not a natural host to ocellaris or percula clownfish in the wild, so these two species of clowns may or may not accept the BTA as a host. It's up to the hobbyist to decide whether or not they want to try it, knowing there's a chance they won't. Sometimes they will, sometimes they won't.

sometimes bta’s will split as a survival reaction. How is your water quality? All the dinos are gone?
BTA's are not a natural host to ocellaris or percula clownfish in the wild, so these two species of clowns may or may not accept the BTA as a host. It's up to the hobbyist to decide whether or not they want to try it, knowing there's a chance they won't. Sometimes they will, sometimes they won't.

sometimes bta’s will split as a survival reaction. How is your water quality? All the dinos are gone?
Water quality is generally pristine. 11 Alk, 420 Ca, 10 Nitrates. Phosphates .25 PH 8

Yeah..I am not expected them to host. Girl can dream though

diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
Clowns are just weird. Mine is hosted by a large Coral Beauty and only will go into one of my frogspawns...the other two it won't enter at all

I once had a pretty bta. I was always in fear of it getting stuck in the powerhead and/or split. It split once and I got rid of the new one. It wondered a bit until it settled in the back of my rocks where I could not see it. Lived there for 3 years and then I got rid of it.
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Clowns are just weird. Mine is hosted by a large Coral Beauty and only will go into one of my frogspawns...the other two it won't enter at all

I once had a pretty bta. I was always in fear of it getting stuck in the powerhead and/or split. It split once and I got rid of the new one. It wondered a bit until it settled in the back of my rocks where I could not see it. Lived there for 3 years and than I got rid of it.
I debate getting rid of all of mine. The reefers dream of a hosted clown over road my sense of logic. Just a great splash of color in my tank so holding out that they settle down and stop acting like little Irish catholic rabbits. Given that things are finally going well in my tank...I think I am probably going to make the touch choice soon. Last thing I need is one of these to go on a rampage.
Just sent you a PM. I used the power head method and removed the baby. Not sure If I am going to sell the rock with the other two just yet...but open to an offer for the rock with the other two. (even has a small blasto on it).
What methods have you tried to get the clowns to pair up with the BTA? Sometimes it happens spontaneously over time, even months later. Lots of suggestions out there on various threads.

The one that worked for me several times was actually putting another clown or pair of clowns in. I think it disrupted things just enough that everyone felt more comfortable in the anemones. When they were the same species (percula variants), they all wound up living happily together in the anemone. Putting something different in (like a maroon) did cause hosting to occur, but also created enough aggression that I had to eventually get the maroon out of there. But even then, the percs continued to stay in the anemone after the maroon was gone. They just needed something to shake things up a bit I guess.
Question about clowns and their anemones? I have a small bubble tip that my clown hosts. Clown actually larger than anemone. My question is will they defend their host from coral encroachment. I put a forest fire digi near the anemone and my clown went nuts. She started to attack the digi. She actually knocked it over a few times. Is this normal?
I inadvertantly bought a third clown (impulse buy) and that added a little aggression as the dominant female wanted nothing to do with the new baby clown and kept chasing her to the other side of the tank. I have tried the feeding method. The tape a phone with the Youtube video playing method (for which my wife still calls me an idiot for doing). The only two methods I really have not done is extract them and put them in a confined space with an anemone (cant catch the guys) or the tube method to force them into the anemone (Again..cant catch them). I have decided that I am going to try the 'stop caring and if it happens it happens' method. :D
Yeah, I think the new clown would have to wind up scaring the old clowns in order to get some hosting behavior to start. If the new clown coming in is tiny and unthreatening, probably wouldn't do much.
Ok. I know this definitely falls into 1st world problems but NJTaxMan is not happy!! I got a wonderful red bubble tip anemone and a pair of clowns with the reefer's most basic dream of the anemone host the clowns. Not only will my clowns not go anywhere near my anemone...not only will my anemone not stay in one place...but OOps I split it again!! (singing Brittany spears in my head). I now have THREE..yes count them THREE... red Bubble Tip Anemone's that are not hosting my clowns. I can just hear them singing "I will do anything for love but I wont do that!!" What is a gal to do?!? BeatleJuice, BeatleJuice, BeatleJuice!!! Calgon take THEM away!!

Anyway...maybe putting these up for sale or trade if I can figure out how to get them off the rock without hurting them. GRRRR
Took four months for my clowns to host. Give them time.
After a year..yes a year of having an anemone...my clowns is hosting. Of course it is not the designer black storm that my daughters bought me a year ago..but my Clarkii that I bought a month ago...but hey...the clown is hosting. what is even better is that I bought a second clarkii..and guess what..it wants to host too. WOOT WOOT. Had to go to hidden reef a buy a second nem because my two clarkiis have not paired up and they were fighting over the nem and my Black Storm was picking on the little clarki whenever it got close. Definitely digging this nem tank thing.

I thought someone on this form had black widows? Maybe I am mistaken. Anyways..open to other color morphs if people have any coming up.

If for any reason the black widow I have splits I shall let you know, also have rainbows and an orange if they split I'll let you know as well!
If for any reason the black widow I have splits I shall let you know, also have rainbows and an orange if they split I'll let you know as well!
Awesome. Thanks!! I have given up on traditional corals and am going to be doing a large BTA tank.