• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

what do you look for in a reef club?


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Board of Directors
NJRC Member
so as you all know, there's been some changes with the BOD. Let's try to get our club back up and running the way it was before Covid. let's get back to having fun! I would like to hear feedback as to what you all would like to see or do with the reef club. I already heard some people say small swaps. I myself would definitely like that as well. Feel free to voice your opinion, but please stay on topic.


Vice President
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NJRC Member
I agree that we need to start holding more meetings. I held a few and attendance was poor IMO, under 10 people. Once we start having a bigger audience the swaps can happen.
Should we bring back the POTM? Instead of money maybe have members or vendor provide a frag and winner gets it. The club would advise what coral for the contest that way if people don't want it they can wait for the next one. I.e. SPS frag but person only keeps soft coral or just started, etc.


NJRC Member
I don’t think we need to re-invent the wheel.
I think we can copy what works at other reef clubs.
Local Frag swaps / question of the day like reef2reef does.
Guest speakers/ personal reviews of products from reefers not sales people.
Lfs spotlight videos.


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NJRC Member
Agree on the restoration of meetings - I would host one.

Some other suggestions:
  1. Small frag swaps for members - people who live in condo communities could find out what the rental cost is for their clubhouse.
  2. Arrange tours at some of the LFSs in the tri-state area.
  3. Joint events with other local reef clubs - this would split the cost of speakers amongst more people.
  4. An unboxing/review forum for new products.
  5. Group buys.
  6. Do the t-shirts as a yearly thing.
Just a few things I've been kicking around.


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NJRC Member
I really enjoy meetings. Smaller ones like MadReefer mentioned, or larger ones just the same. Obviously, the more the merrier. I once hosted and had enough food for way more than those that showed up. Probably would have a bigger turn out if I hosted again.
Would offer my house again.
And as far as raffles at club meetings always great. If people who come bring a few corals could serve as the bounty to win... Plus whatever else may be able to be donated.


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
I definitely agree that meetings need to come back. The first ones will probably be tough but I do think that we can get some momentum and have some really good meetings like we did in the past.

What drew me to the club was the closeness of the members and the willingness for them to “take people in” and really help each other out. I have made some really good friends directly because of those two things. I feel that has been lost mostly due to the fact that we couldn’t meet.

I really think it’s possible to revive things around here but I know it’s going to take a lot of work from a lot of people.
I definitely agree that meetings need to come back. The first ones will probably be tough but I do think that we can get some momentum and have some really good meetings like we did in the past.
What scares me about this statement is if the first ones are tough and do not 'thrill', it might cause the casual reefer to walk away.


Staff member
Officer Emeritus

What scares me about this statement is if the first ones are tough and do not 'thrill', it might cause the casual reefer to walk away.
I can see that being a bit worrisome but if we can rebuild the base we can become the place for those casual reefers (how I was when I first came around) to put down some roots.


NJRC Member
Hi @all I'm new here only for a few months now. What I really admire is the UNITY we have. You all have shown that since this all started. Thank you to the officers, and moderators that kept it going!

Club meets are always a great idea. Like some have posted meeting here or there is great, and what better idea then wearing a NJRC t-shirt. Pardon my memory, but, someone said in RaP thread I'll have njreefers shirt on.
What better way then a smile, courtesy, and being helpful to all is there by wearing our shirt to a meet, a lfs, or event?
I have a budgeted lifestyle, but will help in anyway possible.
I like everything that has been mentioned!

Thanks again


NJRC Member
I think it’s great that people are willing to host and open their homes to strangers.
I have been to a couple of meeting and I personally think more people would show up. If we had meeting in a public place. I think it’s too much stress for one person to host. If we find a public space we can meet and setup small tables would be great. We can exchange frags and sit and have a beer with out any pressure on people to host.
Naaa. I have a bunch of locals under my wings now up here. They could use real support.
This is actually one of the things I really want out of a reef club...the learning and mentoring opportunities. I dont have many people in my local area (medford lakes) that have presented themselves as reefers. Would love to have that opportunity. Its nice to come to forums and present a problem and have people respond with potential solutions (although the standard, what are your parameters and 'they really should be xx.xx gets old) but I would really love the ability to help people with hands in the tank and maybe them with hands in mine.


NJRC Member
I would love to see the meetings in homes come back again. We used to have a calendar set up for the year and alternated South, Central and North, threw in a holiday party at a restaurant and a frag swap that was at a public venue and everyone was happy.

The best thing about this club is the willingness to help. When I installed my 240 that I bought from a fellow reefer in the group, I had many people from the group come up and they not only helped me move the tank from one house to my house, I had members who came and helped me plumb the tank to my basement. And the advice on problems, not to mention the sharing of corals at reasonable prices or trades.

Also, when it was at someone's house, everyone jumped in and brought something, so it didn't all fall on the host/hostess.


NJRC Member
I think it’s great that people are willing to host and open their homes to strangers.
I have been to a couple of meeting and I personally think more people would show up. If we had meeting in a public place. I think it’s too much stress for one person to host. If we find a public space we can meet and setup small tables would be great. We can exchange frags and sit and have a beer with out any pressure on people to host.
That's a great idea. I agree with public. Sometimes churches have auditoriums, or even like a warehouse of sorts. Somewhere known of course.
Possibly 3 times a year in a different zone each time.

I had a thought that just entered my mind. My lfs has a large warehouse. If we could talk to them both parties would benefit. It would attract possibly new members as well.


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
That's a great idea. I agree with public. Sometimes churches have auditoriums, or even like a warehouse of sorts. Somewhere known of course.
Possibly 3 times a year in a different zone each time.

I had a thought that just entered my mind. My lfs has a large warehouse. If we could talk to them both parties would benefit. It would attract possibly new members as well.
Which LFS?


NJRC Member
North Jersey Aquarium Society has meetings at Clark public library. Typically around 50 people show up usually there is a talk of some sort then auctions afterwards. Understand we are a lot smaller membership wise but what we had rotating meeting among north south and central was good. I like the meetings and the raffles for frags. I think I would appreciate going to a meeting every month or two and swap some corals with people. Understand inviting speakers will most likely out of our price range but we can have members present their systems etc .. Like a Q&A session troubleshooting problems. When I have visitors we almost always end up talking about corals for a while.

Maybe we should have a poll and see how many people wants to go to a meeting.

It takes energy to organize these things and I hope we can get enough interest so people can participate.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
all great ideas and suggestions guys. keep em coming. one thing I always tell new reefers is this.. before you take someone's advice on a question you ask in a forum or fb group, ask to see their setup first and ask how long they have been in the hobby. so my suggestion would be to have one reefer who has been in the game for a while, talk about their experiences good and bad in the hobby. this will then open up to a discussion or a Q&A about their setup. the good thing with this is you get to learn what may work depending on the particular setup. I'll explain more at the next meeting :) now you will have to go to the meeting to find out what I have to say hehehe. see what I did there ?