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Koji Wada

Here's another hoot for you all...

Koji Wada
is a gorgeous (and not inexpensive) pink Japanese nepthea. I once recollected that somewhere I saw a reference to it being named after the Japanese marine aquarist who originally provided frags of it to someone here in the USA. (A story like a Japanese version of the German Grube's Gorgonian tale.)

I recently had occasion to ask my Gemini AI Bot* for the best way one should frag some Koji Wada. It replied, in disbelief, asking why I wanted to frag a dead Japanese composer! It seems Kōji Wada was actually a very popular Japanese pop singer who performed theme songs for anime series. He died in 2016, at the age of 42, from nasopharynx cancer and was posthumously honored with tribute albums and Digimon characters. He was known as the "Immortal Butterfly Anisong Singer".

RIP, Kōji Wada, and thank you for the nepthea...

* I once really trusted my Gemini AI Bot. But, my bot recently tried to put one over on me. That's another story...