Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Is ROE the name of a specific product or do you just mean roe - fish eggs? I do feed roe - the San Francisco Bay frozen fish eggs and the eggs my female clownfish is kind enough to provide.
Take a non-serrated butter knife and put it in the freezer. Start prying off the foot at one end and it will release because it doesn't like the cold. You're welcome.
Welcome, I remember speaking with you and I am so sorry for your loss but having something that reminds you of your Dad and the time you spent together will make this hobby very meaningful for you. Glad to have you aboard.
Eric (#1)
On Saturday, our table was directly across from Dinkins Aquatics and their sign announced they had Berghia nudibranch so I eagerly went over to buy some. They fool me - they didn't bring any to the show and won't have any for a month. Anyone know where I can get some locally? Thx.
To all our new members - this is your club. Please post often, attend meetings/events and meet your fellow members, and most importantly, have fun. Welcome aboard and make yourselves at home.