Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
OK, this is my last attempt to give this away.
If anybody wants this and can get there before Sunday 12 PM, let me know and I'll give you the information to stop by and pick up. This tank, stand, and lights are sitting in my parents' garage in Somerset (08873). I'll be down there tonight to...
This has fallen through again. This is available to anyone who wants to take it. I can only be at my parents' place in Somerset tomorrow evening (Wednesday) at 7 PM to help load the tank and stand into your vehicle. Otherwise, I'll be out of town starting later this week. Please send me a PM...
Anyone else interested in this? Turns out Curt can't pick it up. Offering it to Wilson416 first if he's still interested.
PM me if you're interested if this falls through. Wound up holding onto it for longer but will have to trash it soon. Would like someone to pick this up this weekend.
Bumping this back to the top.
Looking for anybody who might be interested in this tank setup if it falls through. Curt still has first dibs, though I haven't heard back from him in the past couple days. I'm hoping to hear from him in the next few hours.
Again, I'm offering up the AIO tank...
My parents are moving/downsizing their home and I'm cleaning out stuff that I've accumulated in their basement.
I'm offering a free Finnex M tank with lights and homemade stand. I bought this from a fellow reefer about 15 years ago for a few hundred dollars. These were pretty nice AIO tanks...
Great deal on the boat. Pontoons are great on Barnegat Bay including getting into the shallow water - perfect for clamming, dropping crab traps, and unloading kids. Definitely will want a bigger motor on that.
You're down in Brick, correct? We are too. Bought our pontoon from NJ Outboards a...
Have had AIs, Radions, Kessils, Red Sea LEDs. AI and Ecotech are the same company. Like Amado said, all these LEDs as well as cheap black box ones can grow corals. What you’re paying more for is often the app interface as well as compatibility with other products within their ecosystem (I.e...
Check out the Humblefish website. It has everything you could ever want to know about fish diseases, treatment, quarantine procedures, etc. And it's a good idea to have a few meds sitting around for an emergency including General Cure and maybe some Ruby Reef Rally for a quick dip that can give...
ReefBrites are great for color but I never felt like they added that much PAR. But if you're mostly doing softies on the side, then you'll probably be fine.
If the fish are fine, why throw in the towel? If you're losing fish and can't keep anything alive, then I can see maybe why...
Ich doesn't normally kill otherwise healthy fish unless they're highly stressed (i.e. overcrowded, bad water conditions). You can practice ich management by feeding the...