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Recent content by curt

  1. C

    New Rock Scape

    Looks good. What do you use to hold the rock together? Glue and or mortar?
  2. C

    Innovative Marine SR80 Pro Build

    Can never have to many sails. Looks good.
  3. C

    Spotted at Brick Petco…

    I stopped in the other day and the cards were one of the first things I saw. Also saw the sign on the tank about the corals that were donated by the club. Nice job Mark. Years ago I remember when we had them in a few different stores.
  4. C

    Promotional stuff

    Wow. Looks good.
  5. C

    Free rodi

    I’d be interested in the 90 gal one if it’s available.
  6. C

    Fish Help

    Yea Angles are a hit and miss when you put two in a tank. Unless it’s a real big tank.They can get along for a while then one can become aggressive. I wouldn’t put a third one in. You’d be looking for trouble.
  7. C

    GHA Treatment?

    A pencil urchin works good too. That’s what I used last time I had gha. It was a while ago.
  8. C

    GHA Treatment?

    I’ve targeted it with a syringe with peroxide. It works great that way. Take you time and do small areas at a time over the course of a few days.
  9. C

    WTF is with FB Marketplace? Is it now just an idiot hang out?

    I sold 6 items a few months ago on Craigslist. They all sold within days of posting and no BS at all. They were all tools though. Not fish related.
  10. C

    Random baby fish need help id

    I’ve seen and heard of a lot of different hitchhikers but never a fish. Very cool. Like DYI said maybe reach out to reefcleaners
  11. C

    screen netting

    There aluminum so they aren’t waterproof but they are what is used. There what you get when you order a kit online. I’d split it into two half’s on that size tank.
  12. C

    Live rock outside 4 a few minutes!?

    When you order live rock on line or buy it in a store it's not in water and all the bacteria doesn't die off.
  13. C


    Why not just put it in the sump? Or put it outside for a few months and it will clean itself up for future use.