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It's a possibility that I never thought as It doesn't appear like the strains I've dealt with in the past. I'll try to look closer tonight. I'll say the bubbles are not like the stringy bubbles from dinos.
It's definitely some difficult algae though
The salinity was confirmed to be wrong. How I don't know, but my salinity is infact 1.026. this was tested like 8 different ways to confirm.
Some of the trace elements are of no concern, from prior engagements with Randy in R2R.
Yes I make my own rodi water and confined it's producing 0 tds...
I am, but the tank had higher phosphates with no luck. There is a weird algae on the back glass, that I for my life can't get rid of but it's only on back glass. I'm thinking my true phosphate is really high
Salinity 1.026 +/-
Ca 405
Kh 8.6
Mg 1300
Nitrate 25/50
Phosphate .03
This is a pretty consistent range now
The only real thing I can think of is all my rocks are covered in Coraline algae and maybe sucking all my nutrients ? Idk I'm at a loss
Checking back in!
I'm still trying to figure out whats wrong. My hammer coral appears to be regressing.
I am like debating just spending money on cheaper corals to see what happens as I'm feeling like I just need more "load" in the tank
But just throw me some random **** to check because I'm...