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Recent content by MikeAreefs

  1. MikeAreefs

    Maroon clown free to good home07728

    Hey mods, can you move this to the chain gang.
  2. MikeAreefs

    Maroon clown free to good home07728

    Free to a good home. I have a old 4" male maroon clownfish. Maroon is currently using mushrooms as it's host and aggravating them to no end. Located in 07728.
  3. MikeAreefs

    No acess to deals and steals

    Hey guys trying to post on deals and steals and it says I have insufficient privileges. Here's pics of charge going through back in January and picture of notice.
  4. MikeAreefs

    WTB Aiptasia eating filefish 07728

    Unfortunately i have a few tangs that aren't friendly to smaller simillared body fish. I'll need some size.
  5. MikeAreefs

    New tank setup

    Keep cycling, no w/c, you are probably going to fall into an ammonia stall with it being at a 4. Just let it sit and it will break in a few weeks. Run lights on a very minimal cycle with low intensity.
  6. MikeAreefs

    WTB Aiptasia eating filefish 07728

    I am looking to buy an already established aiptsai eating filefish. Let me know, local to 07728 would be great. I'm willing to drive within reason.
  7. MikeAreefs

    Want to buy apex Eb8 enery strip

    Looking for an apex Eb8 energy strip, mine just stopped working undecided if I want to scrap apex or continue. Not looking for brand new. Located 07728
  8. MikeAreefs

    93 cube with goodies freehold

    All sold mods please close. It was a wonderful setup. I hope you enjoy as much as I did. It was wonderfull catching up and meeting new members.
  9. MikeAreefs

    93 cube with goodies freehold

    Fuge sold guys it was great catching up. Bump on tank and stand will take offers on just tank.
  10. MikeAreefs

    93 cube with goodies freehold

    fuge still available $100
  11. MikeAreefs

    93 cube with goodies freehold

    Bump update $200 for tank stand sump plumbing
  12. MikeAreefs

    93 cube with goodies freehold

    Has mounts they cracked and were glued back together lightvwork small crack in glass light is pictured between aquatic hybrid can take video