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Recent content by MrsSmartyPants

  1. MrsSmartyPants

    Need to get rid of a 75 gal tank and everything that comes with it - FREE

    I need to get rid of a 75 gallon tank and everything that comes with it - I don’t know specifics but it has 2 Kessil lights (they’re round) and a Neptune Apex with a bunch of probes. The pumps, tubes, rocks, everything is free. This was my ex’s hobby and it has been taking up too much space...
  2. MrsSmartyPants

    120 Gallon (4x2x2) 75$!! - Cherry Hill

    Have you considered buffing it or taking it to a glass shop to have it buffed?
  3. MrsSmartyPants

    Jebao WP60 w/ apex cable

    Are you willing to sell the cable ?
  4. MrsSmartyPants

    Ultimate Corals New Year's Blowout Sale

    On my way - see you around 430!
  5. MrsSmartyPants

    Looking for Yellow Ricordea

    Dana of cc critters has a lime green that looks yellow to me also since he dives for all he sells, you may be able to contact him and ask him to be on the lookout. I've ordered from him in the past and have been very satisfied...
  6. MrsSmartyPants

    Ultimate Corals New Year's Blowout Sale

    Hey! Will you be around tomorrow? May take a road trip all the way down to you ;-)
  7. MrsSmartyPants

    Sea Level Aquarium in Pine Brook... Awesome guys!

    Adding them to my list :) Here's the website for those looking to check directions: http://www.sealevelaquarium.com/our-store/
  8. MrsSmartyPants

    Last of the zoas for awhile 08012

    I SOOOOOOOOOOOO wish you were closer ... :(
  9. MrsSmartyPants

    Moving sale 08002

    Juan, I just PM'ed him about the pink hippos - if they're available - I'll bring your stuff up, too! (I'm in Elizabeth lol)
  10. MrsSmartyPants

    Moving sale 08002

    PM sent :)
  11. MrsSmartyPants

    Huge order came in yesterday

    As usual - GORGEOUS! You really do have the best corals and the best prices - hell I drove over an hour for my "precious" rock :)
  12. MrsSmartyPants

    Possibly downsizing sale

    Ok .. you are SOOOOO not allowed to get out of the hobby. If this helps I would do the following: Get a longer hose from your RO/DI to upstairs (you can store it downstairs) Get a Brute container and WHEELS/Dolly (no lifting, pushing, pulling) I use a MaxiJet since it has multiple...
  13. MrsSmartyPants

    WTB: Acclimation box

    Hi! I'm looking for an acclimation box / container similar to this: acclimate by reef gently
  14. MrsSmartyPants

    Tank Break Down

    Ooooooooh! 5 gallon jugs ? How much you looking to get for them?
  15. MrsSmartyPants

    Tank Break Down

    PM sent :-)