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Recent content by mwil79

  1. mwil79

    AIO tanks

    Sounds like they were attempting to drill and removed the back panel. I would be hesitant with something like that.
  2. mwil79

    Interceptor for white bugs

    Check your water source, see if your township adds chloromines to the water. Mine did that a few years ago and killed all of my SPS. I wouldn't treat for something if you don't actually see bugs.
  3. mwil79

    Interceptor for white bugs

    Are you actually seeing white bugs? Interceptor can kill a wide range of inverts so maybe get anything out of the tank before you start it, IF you go down that route.
  4. mwil79

    AIO tanks

    Any particular reason you want to go with AIO vs tank and sump? More water means more stability. 60" is quite a bit of space and you could definitely get a nice tank and sump.
  5. mwil79

    Tank and equipment for sale- Brick 08723

    That should work. I have someone coming by in the am but free afterwards. I'll shoot you a pm.
  6. mwil79

    Tank and equipment for sale- Brick 08723

    I'll take the bulbs. Are you around this weekend?
  7. mwil79

    Fire shrimps been safe in reef tank

    Nope, I broadcast 1 cube of food in that tank every other day roughly.
  8. mwil79

    Fire shrimps been safe in reef tank

    I've had mine for close to 2 years at this point. No issue even with a 20g with some parameter swings.
  9. mwil79

    Neptune EB832 AS IS

    Very common issue. Actually have already replaced one and have another with the exact same issue. It still manages to keep the Apex Powered and the DOS pumps running just nothing with the outlets.
  10. mwil79

    In- Tank Brine Shrimp Hatchery

    I have a ton of eggs if you want to swing by one day and pick some up.
  11. mwil79

    Discussion on chemicals

    Chemi-pure (Depending on version) already has GFO (Ferric Oxide) in it. I believe its Chemi-pure Elite. Chemi-pure blue has Purigen included so Elite is more beneficial to Phosphate removal. GFO will also lower your alkalinity faster so need to keep an eye on that. Phosguard does the same...
  12. mwil79

    Yellow octospawn

  13. mwil79

    Aqua SD Big Thumbs Down

    They have everything layed out in tanks with each frag labeled. Once they are ordered they dont resell unless the order is canceled.
  14. mwil79

    Green Toadstool - $250

    This is a massive show piece of a coral. I've seen it in person and in the right spot it will be extremely beautiful and eye catching.
  15. mwil79

    Berghia Nudis....is there a local need?

    I know you are fairly local to me, if you have any rocks covered I would gladly take it off your hand and replace it with another rock to help feed the soon to be growing colony