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radiata's latest activity

  • radiata
    radiata reacted to erics210's post in the thread BRS promo code with Like Like.
    Promo code for someone who is ordering today or tomorrow. Please respond once used and we can close.
  • radiata
    There are some Sea Squirrel like units on the market today that allow for the attaching of a power head (of your choice) to the lower...
  • radiata
    I liked your idea, but then thought that the ball bearings would rust. I once bought some large (stainless?) ball bearings to use to...
  • radiata
    radiata replied to the thread Thoughts on this gyre!.
    I'm running two FX350s on my 180. They're driven by a Hydros Engine, which I think has more controllability. I think they're great.
  • radiata
    If you're unhappy with the single flow direction of your Vortech or DMP Pumps, here's a "Flow Director" you might want to try...
  • radiata
    radiata replied to the thread Maxspect Gyre 330s.
    Are these the design/offering meant to run on Hydros engines without other controllers or power supplies?
  • radiata
    radiata replied to the thread Wtb roller mat.
    Do any of your roller mats have a micron rating of less than 1 micron?
  • radiata
    radiata replied to the thread Nice Red Starfish.
    Your price quote is from the last day or so. I had two delivered, from NYA, o/a 11/21 for $40 each. Everyone else wants $100 to $150...
  • radiata
    radiata replied to the thread Bergia at TSM.
    Yes, the price is for just one, and worse yet, it is only 1/4 inch long.
  • radiata
    radiata replied to the thread Nice Red Starfish.
    Here's a Green Sea Star (Nardoa galatheae) at LiveAquaria...
  • radiata
    radiata replied to the thread Help please for NJRC.
    Next time, we might consider going as a regular vendor (Grin.) I'm not too keen on this event owner anyway. I tracked him down at the...
  • radiata
    radiata replied to the thread Nice Red Starfish.
    Keep your eye out for a Naroda Starfish. They eat Asterinas. I got the one I have now from Pacific East Aquaculture a year ago, but...
  • radiata
    radiata replied to the thread Help please for NJRC.
    SAILING OFF ON A DIFFERENT TACK... I've been thinking (which isn't a necessarily good thing, especially considering the bottle of...
  • radiata
    Brian neither left nor was fired. He had a drug problem, and it was the death of him. I'd like to know what he OD'd on. Once he was...