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Recent content by skimmed

  1. S

    Reef Crystals

    150G of Reef Crystals salt (3 of the 4 bags that come in the 200G box). Free. Pick up from Rahway. PM me.
  2. S

    Frag tank

    I have an advanced acrylics 18x18x8 frag tank available. $60 REF#: FT114 20x20x8 Frag Tank with Center Overflow (Viewable on all 4 sides) 4 Sizes available
  3. S

    Free 60g Deep Blue Cube and Marineland stand.

    Reef ready. no plumbing. Rahway. PM if interested.
  4. S

    Free to a good home

    Tentatively, only the peppermint shrimp needs a home still. I'll be back if any of the interested parties fall through.
  5. S

    Free to a good home

    Someone beat you to the corals but the foxface is yours. Just PM me.
  6. S

    Free to a good home

    With a heavy heart I have decided to take a break from trying to balance life with my tank's needs. I have a foxface, three pajama Cardinals, a small ocellaris clown and a peppermint shrimp. All free to a good home/homes. I also have a handful of tough corals available: a few euphyllias, a...
  7. S

    How's everyone making out (roll call)

    I'm in rahway and have a generator powered new 60g cube with just a few sps frags. If anyone wants any corals looked after then pm me.