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Recent content by Ultimate Corals

  1. Ultimate Corals

    Ultimate Corals Weekend Sale

    Ultimate Corals Weekend Sale NEW WYSIWYG Big week over at Ultimate Corals. We just added some new amazing corals to www.UltimateCorals.com and will be adding more every day for the sale. Here are just a few of the goodies up on the site
  2. Ultimate Corals

    Aqua Cultured WWC Hawaiian Punch Bubble Tip Anemones!!

    These have been aqua cultured for many generations at this point. Super BRIGHT and colorful WWC Hawaiian Punch Anemone – AQUACULTURED
  3. Ultimate Corals

    CT FARMERS FRAG MARKET 3/1, anyone going?

    So we've been a vendor at the FFM for YEARS, It is by far my favorite frag swap/show. If you haven't been there imagine an entire high school dedicated to the hobby with 3-4 vendors in every class room but the hallway full. Definitely worth the trip if you are up for a bit of a ride.
  4. Ultimate Corals

    Something on my Zoa?

    It's an invasive sponge. Best bet is to take the zoas out of the tank and carefully remove it. If you leave it on there it will overtake and smother the zoas.
  5. Ultimate Corals

    WTB Green slimer...

    Hi. We have a couple nice size chunky mini colonies.
  6. Ultimate Corals

    Zoas in central Jersey (I'm in South Brunswick)

    Tons of zoas right now in stock :)
  7. Ultimate Corals


    I don't think so but I'm also not big on the names so who knows LOL
  8. Ultimate Corals


    We do it by appointment only 7 days a week.
  9. Ultimate Corals


    Sorry for the delay everyone. We've been swamped lately but I did get a chance to take just a few pics today :) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/swmz1z1yik246yt2kiov3/ALf8J9AxL3ZkGomt9dqBy7o?rlkey=dqccgaoysff19d54qdn4oaa5v&dl=0
  10. Ultimate Corals

    Huge rainbow pectinia for sale

    How big is it?
  11. Ultimate Corals

    Green slimer, monti cap colony, Milli

    PM sent on the Monti
  12. Ultimate Corals

    Neptune Apex driving me nuts

    The randomly losing connection to modules and programming, the sd card would be my first thing to try. You are better off completely re-programing it from scratch at this point. I wouldn't try and copy or import any existing data.
  13. Ultimate Corals

    Neptune Apex driving me nuts

    SD card is probably shot. Fairly easy to replace.
  14. Ultimate Corals

    Yellow octospawn

    Pretty sure I have 1 yellow left. LMK