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Recent content by UsamaCh.

  1. UsamaCh.

    Keystone Clash 2025

  2. UsamaCh.

    Keystone Clash 2025

    Hello fellow reef keepers! Vendor application for the 2025 Keystone Clash is now live! Still working to bring in more saltwater representation. Last year there was only one vendor. You can definitely share a space and split the cost. There’s even free spaces for non-profits so the club can...
  3. UsamaCh.

    Keystone Clash 2024!

    Had a lot of fun at the clash this year. Got to attend Chris' talks and speak to him and learned a lot! Hoping there will be more saltwater representation at the clash next year! Next year's clash will be last weekend of September but they will be announcing the exact dates soon.
  4. UsamaCh.

    Planted Saltwater Display

    Halimeda sp.
  5. UsamaCh.

    Planted Saltwater Display

    Currently setting up a planted saltwater display for the Atlantic Aquariums booth at the Keystone Clash! The full setup will be on display and then raffled off on the last day (Sunday). There is a playlist regarding the set-up on my Youtube Channel Prof. FishTanks! Still new to the world of...
  6. UsamaCh.

    Keystone Clash 2024!

    Hope to see you at the Clash in a coupe of weeks!
  7. UsamaCh.

    Affordable Return Pump Alternative!!

    I wanted to ask if there are any affordable (< $100) return pumps that are rated for 900-1000 gph and has a similar footprint to the Sicce Syncra Silent 1.5. I appreciate any help and input!
  8. UsamaCh.

    All Glass Aquarium Mega-Flow Sump Model 3 Specs

    Hello! Does anyone currently (or in the past) have a All Glass Aquarium Mega Flow wet/dry sump model 3? I'm trying to figure out the dimensions of the return pump area to figure out what size pump will fit in it. Also trying to figure out what the size for the hose for the drain (water going...
  9. UsamaCh.

    Keystone Clash 2024!

    For those who are interested in coming to the event, don’t forget to check out the all species aquatic show where aquarists bring their prized fish, inverts, plants and corals to show off and win the first in class prizes! Access to the aquatic show, give a kid a tank and aquascaping competition...
  10. UsamaCh.

    Stockton University's Environmental Forum

    I will be at the Atlantic Aquariums booth. If you are in the area I hope to see you at the Environmental Forum event this Sunday at the main campus in Galloway, NJ!
  11. UsamaCh.

    My experience with peppermint shrimp

    I just recently discovered peppermint shrimp are good for battling Aptasia.
  12. UsamaCh.

    Keystone Clash 2024!

    Holiday Inn 6170 Morgantown Rd. Morgantown, Pennsylvania 19543 United States It’s at the convention center attached to it.
  13. UsamaCh.

    Apex vs. Hydros

    I used to be a fan of Neptune Systems Apex but lately a lot of issues. I have started hearing about CoralVue Hydros and wanted to see if anyone has experience and thoughts on it?
  14. UsamaCh.

    Petco or PetSmart

    Petsmart does not carry saltwater. To be honest when it comes to livestock I prefer LFS or online aquarium stores. I want to support them over big box stores. That being said I will go for dry goods or to take advantage of petcos aquarium sales.
  15. UsamaCh.

    Dr. G’s Marine Aquaculture

    Has anyone ever used Dr. G’s Marine Aquaculture products and if so what’s your thoughts on it?