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Nice Red Starfish


NJRC Member
They are amazing!! I never got one though but those asterinas that just give me problems…

Keep your eye out for a Naroda Starfish. They eat Asterinas. I got the one I have now from Pacific East Aquaculture a year ago, but haven't seen any there since. The most recent one I've seen locally was at Ely's in Florham Park. They were being sold there as "Green Starfish".


NJRC Member
Here's a Green Sea Star (Nardoa galatheae) at LiveAquaria:
It is the same one Ely's has/had. And, it looks like LiveAquaria actually has them in stock.

The one I got from PEA is a Naroda tuberculata.
PEA no longer has them and their photo is gone.
I've had mine for going on a year.

If you really want one, get one from LiveAquaria before this post goes viral, and they all get sold. ;)


NJRC Member
As of this today, NYAquatic has these "African Red Biscuit Stars" on sale again for $40 each. There is no indication as to when the sale price expires.

FWIW, four or five days ago, one of mine spent a good 36 hours sitting on one of my nori feeders. It then moved on to a patch of green hair algae for another good 36 hours. I can't tell what remains of that patch of the GHA ~ an RBTA has expanded over the location.

BUT, wouldn't if be nice if these stars (Goniaster tessellatus) actually decimated GHA? Of course, YRMV (Your Results May Vary)! (Hey Michael - sign me up for another two or three of these stars!)