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Need brains


NJRC Member

I've setup my 425xl over a year ago now. The tank has gone through the uglies, and finally have the algae handled. My rocks are 100% encrusted in Coraline, yet corals die or don't extend. I have a toadstool center tank and it has not opened in maybe a year at full extension. I thought it was flow so I've reduced, no luck.

My parameters
Salt 1.026 tested multiple ways
Alk 8.0
Calcium 375
Mag 1200
Phosphate .03
Nitrate 25-50

I have a filter roller, skimmer and uv sterilizer running. Although not current activated carbon reactor too. I am running one mp40 on maybe 30% and a jebao ow25 on the opposite end at the back to generate flow.

I have two kessil 360x running peaking at 70%.

I have ran ICP tests with no standouts, I have checked for stray voltages, nothing of concern.

I am really at a loss.


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Not sure what types of coral you have other the toadstool but two things stand out for me:
1) calcium seems low, Coraline can be consuming it
2) Nitrate seems kind of high IMO

I've setup my 425xl over a year ago now. The tank has gone through the uglies, and finally have the algae handled. My rocks are 100% encrusted in Coraline, yet corals die or don't extend. I have a toadstool center tank and it has not opened in maybe a year at full extension. I thought it was flow so I've reduced, no luck.

My parameters
Salt 1.026 tested multiple ways
Alk 8.0
Calcium 375
Mag 1200
Phosphate .03
Nitrate 25-50

I have a filter roller, skimmer and uv sterilizer running. Although not current activated carbon reactor too. I am running one mp40 on maybe 30% and a jebao ow25 on the opposite end at the back to generate flow.

I have two kessil 360x running peaking at 70%.

I have ran ICP tests with no standouts, I have checked for stray voltages, nothing of concern.

I am really at a loss.
I've noticed a dramatic difference in how much my corals open after I turn my lights down to 30-35 percent. I'm running red sea 90s. I really think there is a misconception about running these powerful LEDs at full horsepower. We are frying our corals unknowingly. Try turning your lights down since it seems all your other parameters check out fine. Good luck friend!


NJRC Member
Soft coral release toxins when stressed out, if you have sps that could be the problem. The light (%) is not the problem as long as you par is in range.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
What are all the corals you have and which ones don't make it?


NJRC Member

Have you tried running an ICP test?
Are you doing water changes? If so, how much % and what salt are you using?

ole farny

NJRC Member
i would try turning the light's down to 30 or 35% for a month or more too. not opening sounds like they don't want the light available to me, especially a leather at center. if they open you can work that back up slowly.

it probably won't hurt to run some carbon either, in case the angry leather is throwing some toxins around.


NJRC Member
i would try turning the light's down to 30 or 35% for a month or more too. not opening sounds like they don't want the light available to me, especially a leather at center. if they open you can work that back up slowly.

it probably won't hurt to run some carbon either, in case the angry leather is throwing some toxins around.
He's at the center bottom of the tank in between the two lights so he's getting the outer bands of light not even direct


NJRC Member
I have all those corals you listed living happily in like 30-50par. So could be light, but I'd probably guess the coral beauty. It probably nips anything that comes out and doesn't do it around you


NJRC Member
File fish is new.

The coral beauty was never an issue. The corals have regression and then died. It didn't appear to have any nibbling. I will try to lower lights but the I feel like they should adapt to the stronger lights