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Interceptor for white bugs


NJRC Member
Has anyone had experience using intereceptor?
I've been dealing with little to no PE for my acros for quite some time.. Even with feeding and good water quality (ICP-MS tests) I think this may finally be the solution!


NJRC Member
Are you actually seeing white bugs? Interceptor can kill a wide range of inverts so maybe get anything out of the tank before you start it, IF you go down that route.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Let me search for my old thread when I got black bugs. I used something else that worked. I'll post once I find it.


NJRC Member
Dr Gs coral dip. Safe enough to pour directly into tank.
Looks like that products been discontinued!
ugh, sorry you are dealing with that eric. hope you get them taken care of.
Thanks.. Yeah I cant even guarantee its the problem I currently have without a microscope, but all the symptoms I'm seeing is pointing to that direction.. I just hope I can finally solve PE problem

ole farny

NJRC Member
i have access to a microscope, but its at work and in philly. is this something that prepping a slide would work for? pretty sure we could get some pictures of the scopes, but i don't really do micoscopy, but it should not be a problem.


NJRC Member
i have access to a microscope, but its at work and in philly. is this something that prepping a slide would work for? pretty sure we could get some pictures of the scopes, but i don't really do micoscopy, but it should not be a problem.
I don't think I'll need to get my hands on a microscope, I already went and ordered a pack of interceptor.. going to hit my system with the 3 week regimen and see where we land


NJRC Member
Check your water source, see if your township adds chloromines to the water. Mine did that a few years ago and killed all of my SPS. I wouldn't treat for something if you don't actually see bugs.

The Gooch

NJRC Member
Contact Anad from Coral Collectors. He has a product called “debug”. I have a hunch it’s pure milbemycin but whatever, it works and doesn’t have all the crap that the dog chews have in it which essentially is a large carbon dose…. Not to mention no prazi! Prazi seems to be a little hard on the acros when you dose white bug dosages. I use debug on my own systems with zero side effects and effective results. It’s also cheaper than interceptor.