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Help Moving a Tank

I just ordered a new 215 from Will at AO. I am going to pick it up next Wednesday the 26th. I have two friends that are coming with me. I am a little apprehensive because I need to move the tank into the basement and the doorway to the basement is narrow so I am going to have to stand the tank up. I plan on using a handtruck and then sliding the the tank down the stairs since the stairs are carpeted. If anyone has moved a tank that big before and is willing to give me a hand I would really appreciate it. Or if anyone has any suggestions. I am just paranoid.
I use a hand truck to move all my tanks and I like that you are going to slide it down the steps, make sure there is padding at the bottom of the steps so you can stand it up


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Did the same. And L shaped SLED. 3 floors with with a s500 MAX Red Sea. Thanks @SumpNFishy


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Try using pool noodled to cushion sides around hand truck as as stated cushion the bottom of it.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
You don't mention where you're going with this tank? Picking up from AO and going where? And do you need help loading at AO and unloading at your house or just at the house?

You have a touch under 400 pounds. Since your space is tight going through a door I'd consider shoulder dolly straps and include that main strap under the tank as it's sliding down the carpeted steps. As mentioned, dimensional lumber underneath wouldn't be a bad idea.. I have a set of straps but unsure if I'll be available on the 26th.
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NJRC Member
You don't mention where you're going with this tank? Picking up from AO and going where? And do you need help loading at AO and unloading at your house or just at the house?

You have a touch under 400 pounds. Since your space is tight going through a door I'd consider shoulder dolly straps and include that main strap under the tank as it's sliding down the carpeted steps. As mentioned, dimensional lumber underneath wouldn't be a bad idea.. I have a set of straps but unsure if I'll be available on the 26th.
Remeber the 180 you Jeff Curry and I took out of your neighbors bilko basement doors with the 2x4... Ah the good ol days


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The 2 guys that brought in my reefer 750 from garage down to basement also used heavy duty suction cups. They stood tank up right before bringing it down the stairs. Towels all around the tank and on stairs. I'd love to help, but broke my elbow in August so can't lift heavy.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Remeber the 180 you Jeff Curry and I took out of your neighbors bilko basement doors with the 2x4... Ah the good ol days

Yep, and I don't remember having any big issues with that move....nothing that sticks out. Also a 180 or 220 in South Plainfield where MikeM simply climbed underneath the tank and put it on his back and walked up the bilko stairs. I think the crew that was there stood there in disbelief. Mike did that in a couple moves I was involved in. And one in the Flemington area where not only was the door removed, but we had to remove the door frame as well to fit the tank. Your right, the good old days!