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Search results

  1. malulu

    For some time you click a link and it comes up BLANK

    for people that trying to click on the link, and it shows BLANK... the trick i used to over come this issue is: - add something JUNK at the end of the URL, to trick the "cache manager" think this is something you never visit before, and hence will give you the content again...
  2. malulu

    proteint skimmer - for 350g setup

    we seems quiet today?? the BLUE color indicated: RO/DI --> 55g freshwater --> 55g saltwater --> 40g sump --> back to display the RED color indicated: 210g display tank --> 30g sump --> 100g refugium --> 40 sump --> back to display the YELLOW bar will be a shelf there the YELLOW circle is...
  3. malulu

    where to get pvc ball Valve?

    Hi, i search on the web, the cheapest one i can see is $36 each (3 way pvc ball Valve http://www.123ponds.com/600-7200-pvc.html), and it is 1-1/2", i need 1" ones...  or is there no such things as 1" three-ways?? thx all. [EDIT] i found this site -  http://www.poolsaz.com/SearchResults.asp...
  4. malulu

    RO/DI, RO, or DI?

    Hi, I have been using this for my aquarium GE - Model GXRLQR - Lead/Cyst Quick Change Refrigerator Filter  (Yes, please go ahead and laugh)  :-[ and now i am sick of it, and get ready to put in a pure water for the aquarium, and i did some research about RO/DI, the only concern i have is: ...
  5. malulu

    Joke of the day...?

    some one forward this to me... Frame A Fish Aquarium - Fish tank anyone want one??? ;D
  6. malulu

    Question on feeding coral...

    Hi, I have a Candy Cane coral, it have at least 30 heads... due to the location i have it in the tank, some heads on the opposite side of the tank i wont be able to feed it... it ithat OK? or I have to feed all heads some how? thx for the advise. David
  7. malulu

    any good way to raise pH?

    my 210g + 40g sump was using the basic test kit for a year, the color "seems" normal as 8.2 recently got a new pH-meter test it with the meter, it shows as 7.82 I tried with Lime water for about 2 days it went up to 7.94 but after two more days, it still at 7.99 may be i should put more? i...
  8. malulu

    Need Advise on Salinity - ASAP!!

    [background info] - I got something from Local Fish Store... - For unknown reason, just for fun, I tested the Salinity on the water from the store, the reading was way high (1.030)?? - beside wondering... I am doing what i need to do to acclimate the fish. - AFTER 2 DAYS... - it then suddently...
  9. malulu

    where to get Hermit Crab shell?

    Hi, I ordered some BLH from the recent group buy, can some one help to recommend where to get the extra shells for them when they grow? From my last experience, purchased from some websites, they listed the shells size as small, or medium is really no guarantee will fit in many case… Please...
  10. malulu

    what is this purple color thingy?

    Please help... how to get rid of it? thx