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Search results

  1. P

    Random AC

    What brand retun pump is shocking you????????????
  2. P

    Reef Club get together ***canceled***

    Also for last time. It's PEC with SPK on a hard roll!
  3. P

    Reef Club get together ***canceled***

    Also Yankees fans...........
  4. P

    **WTB Sherman Anemone** Been Looking Everywhere!

    Heres a whole bunch if you want to go on a road trip https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/8”-sherman-rose-bubble-tip-anemone-for-sale.854186/
  5. P

    My 90 gallon reef build…1 year birthday 8/1/21

    All that coraline in 1 year? WOW! Meanwhile you hear about all these reefers pooring all kinds of snake oil in a bottle into their tanks.
  6. P

    Thank God for Generac!!!

    POWER BACK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything doing just fine! Probably cost us about $600 in propane though.
  7. P

    Thank God for Generac!!!

    Still no power up here at the Paintmans house. Been running the Generac 6 hours on 6 hours off. Everything seems to be doing fine just a little P'ed off. I am droppng about 2 degrees every 6 hours from 78-76. Tank is in the basement so it's a little cooler down there. So I fire up the generator...
  8. P

    Time to buy salt

    Where the hell are you buying RC for $40? Every store by me is $75 a bucket for RC
  9. P

    everyone safe from the storm ?

    We lost power around 10 last night. Didn't report it because we assumed someone else on our road would. Unfortunately, went out this morning and looked at the pole in front of our house and seen that the fuse on our transformer has popped. Everyone else on our street has power it is just...
  10. P

    Acrylic Sheets

    Here it is................https://www.acmeplastics.com/?st-t=adwords&vt-k=acme%20plastics%20inc&vt-mt=e&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6Nql0OnJ8gIVWtKzCh3XqgGqEAAYASAAEgLnO_D_BwE This place is Da Bomb!!!!!!!
  11. P

    Acrylic Sheets

    Theres a place right up by Absolutely Fish. I think it's called Acme plastics. You can order whatever you want cut to size off their website and either have it shipped or pick it up yourself. I used them when I wanted to make a shelf for my algae scrubber. They are about a mile off Rt. 46 . let...
  12. P

    Just think, you get all this and some salt for $80 in a bucket of Reef Crystals

    Yea i know, I guess it's like skid marks in our underwear. Doesn't bother anything you just kind of know it's there.
  13. P

    Looking for a LFS with a selection of Ricordea.

    Reefco has a boat load.....................
  14. P

    It appears this site has a hacker

    Found out 2 hours ago Emily wants me. I'm not lying she said so.
  15. P

    North Jersey Get together/ meet

    LOL! LOL! If your going to gaze at my tank thats fine. If your going to be gazing at me.......well that sounds a little sketch.
  16. P

    BRS just merged with Neptune

    Valid point but..........what happens if you lose your phone or it runs out of charge. Or your in a meeting and you can't look at your e-mails. Are you the guy going down the road at 65mph looking at your tanks parameters? I hope not. But still what happens when that little grey box takes a dump...
  17. P

    North Jersey Get together/ meet

    You can always come over here by yourself. Theres plenty of room for separation. LOL! pm me for address
  18. P

    North Jersey Get together/ meet

    I think the biggest problem with going to peoples homes is parking. I know when I hosted I had close to if not over 50 people. Fortunately I had the room for all the cars. However some of the parties I went to you had to park blocks away from the house and walk. Or, there were so many cars in...
  19. P

    North Jersey Get together/ meet

    Monthly meetings were always rotated from south, central, to north. The last Christmas party I went to was held in Jackson. Mostly (I think), because Phyllis and her husband John were the presidents and they lived in the area and were members of the firehall.