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Search results

  1. Clear Choice Aquatics

    Lets tank filter socks (and SALE)

    Uses 7' x 32' (feet) socks lol Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  2. Clear Choice Aquatics

    Lets tank filter socks (and SALE)

    Fixed Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  3. Clear Choice Aquatics

    Lets tank filter socks (and SALE)

    picture posting fail. . . Public aquarium - Wikipedia
  4. Clear Choice Aquatics

    Lets tank filter socks (and SALE)

    Something like this will do
  5. Clear Choice Aquatics

    Lets tank filter socks (and SALE)

    Thank for the feedback! I was picturing a small pond in your basement :-).
  6. Clear Choice Aquatics

    Lets tank filter socks (and SALE)

    I've been thinking about bringing the cups into the store, how are they working for you? I've heard mixed reviews.
  7. Clear Choice Aquatics

    Lets tank filter socks (and SALE)

    32" wow what size is your sump? I assume the corals (and skimmer) are getting a better chance at getting the food that would normally get stuck in the socks.
  8. Clear Choice Aquatics

    Lets tank filter socks (and SALE)

    Lets Talk Filter Socks There's a lot of debate when it comes to filter sock use in our tanks, so today lets discuss who uses them and why or who doesn't use them and why. I'll start, I use socks because I feel the pros outweigh the cons: Pros: keeps the sump cleaner, which in turn keeps your...
  9. Clear Choice Aquatics

    Return Pump

    I've had the DCP-6500 in my 90 for a year now. I run mine at 45% if I remember correctly. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  10. Clear Choice Aquatics

    Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself

    Thanks! No store front at the moment, currently online only but if things go well our area really needs a good LFS. We're kinda in the center of them all so either way your driving 30 mins. I could always meet you if you needed something quick.
  11. Clear Choice Aquatics

    Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself

    Hello All, My name is Ryan O'Connell, i'm the owner of ClearChoiceAquatics.com. We are based in the great state of NJ, so if you do order something chances are you'll see it next day or the second day. I've been an NJreefer since 2010(ish) and now i'm a proud sponsor. I hope to meet...