Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
In the second pic. The set of wires on the right. Scrape the paint off the wires. You will have white (neutral) wires wire nutted together. Someone spray painted your wires when they painted your house.
I think he said his phos is 0 because he hasn't checked it lately. But you are correct if it is 0. Too clean and alk would cause the white.
Did another coral ever fall on it? It the rest of the coral shading the light from hitting that part the same as the rest? It there more flow on that...
Yes. It was for boats and cars. I had a boat a while ago that I haven't used for over 5 years and it started right up. I also use the gas in my snow blower.
I have a fishing trip planned for Sunday if it don't rain, so it's your call. Or I might be able to free up time during the week if that works for you and John. I have an SUV which can hold tank and canopy but not wide enough for the stand. Keep me posted on your decision.