Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
this guy is looking for equipment or livestock''==''
so what are your favorite kinds of snails and why? let's see them!
I've had only great experiences with Mexican turbos. others not so much, wonder why!?!?
I drove out to this place today...
all I can say is WOW! Really...
These guys are the gold standard, hands down.
I mentioned I was in the club and Alisha said something like she was a member once or checked it out before, sorry I was just in awe while I was there.
Let's get them as sponsers if...
Got home late from my HOA meeting and the thread was closed, but i wanted to thank nano1908 for the excellent gifts today! i met him at the very last meet before the lockdown orders, but i already liked him before he gave me anything. anyway, i wasnt going to pick up the 150g tank until tomorrow...
I'm on the hunt for a new tank.
really open to see what's available but would really like 300 or 350 8' acrylic see through on both sides to split a room. 350+ would be better cause my wife would love to have a vlamingii tang.
not in a rush.
idk what's going on, I guess too much aggression in my tank and my yellow tang is hiding out, not eating.
every single yellow tang that I had die on me first went into hiding and stop eating as they waste away.
do you gotta think I should treat for some waste away disease or try to catch and...
have some freshwater fishys to let go. i think there is 2 electric yellow cichlids, 2 red zebra cichlids, a bristlenose pleco, albino cory, clown loach and some snails. i'd like to let them all go together.
I want to pick up a heater controller. I'm looking at the ranco diy and the inkbird. the inkbird looks better because I don't have to do any wiring and the temp probe is waterproof. also the inkbird is just $30. the ranco has a better reputation, seems like it will last longer and is about $55...
OK so my first clownfish roe (i believe this is the correct name - feel free to correct me if i am wrong) was a bust. live and learn. I had the wrong food and failed to use the sponge filter I already had. So fast forward exactly 3 weeks later and second set of roe is about to hatch. I still do...
my clownfish are spawning. i dont know how or why. i dont even take good care of that tank (its my 15g nano) and i only feed them once a day if i remember. but anywho i noticed yesterday because i was actually going to treat the tank for copper. not that they have ich or anything but i wanted to...
i still have a lot of glass baffles if anyone is building a sump. location forked river. most of them can be cut. let me know and i will put them outside for you to pick up. did i mention the price is free? i know a picture is required but its just glass from 10 gallon tanks, nothing special to see.