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Search results

  1. radiata


    If you place an order, and things go 100% your way --- congratulations, you'll be happy with the next day shipping, the turnaround and with the packaging (but you may not be with the actual physical size of the critters you ordered). But if things don't go your way, good luck. I'm still...
  2. radiata

    Jeboa Feedback?

    Is anyone especially happy or unhappy with the Jeboa line of powerheads? I find the Jeboa pricing a little too good to be true. Last year I started replacing my Koralia powerheads with Sicce powerheads. Should I consider the Jeboas, and why? Thanks in advance...
  3. radiata

    WTB T-5 Workhorse Ballast

    Looking for a T-5 Workhorse Ballast that will drive two 5' T-5 bulbs. NOT interested in any IceCaps...
  4. radiata

    Grand Opening?

    So when is Feng's Grand Opening scheduled for?
  5. radiata

    Grand Opening?

    Anyone know when Feng's Grand Opening is?
  6. radiata

    Grand Opening?

    Anyone have the date is for the Grand Opening?
  7. radiata

    Grand Opening?

    All, Anyone know when Feng's Reef (no longer Red Sand) is having their Grand Opening? Thanks, Bob
  8. radiata

    All I want for X-Mas is...

  9. radiata

    WTB - T-5 Ballast...

    Looking for a T-5 ballast that will handle either two or three 60” 80W bulbs...
  10. radiata

    Carpet Anemones

    Wasn't sure where to post this - but my Cabernet Franc ingestion led me to this forum... While out purchasing my evening's Cabernet Franc (at Total Wine), I stopped at the PETCO in West Orange, NJ (Essex Green Shopping Center). They had two large Carpet Anemones for sale for $19.99 each. I...
  11. radiata

    WTB - Waterproof T5 End Caps

    Looking for Waterproof T5 End Caps, and possibly associated reflectors, ballasts, etc...
  12. radiata

    WTB --- 48" T5 Fixture

    Want-to-buy --- 48" T5 Lighting Fixture --- 2, 3, or 4 bulb... RSVP specs via PM... Thanks...
  13. radiata

    They're moving, but...

    All, I visited Feng this past weekend. He is currently in the (very painful) process of relocating his shop a few blocks west of his current location. The original location is still open and available for purchases. As in the past, he has a very nice collection of frags. During the move...
  14. radiata

    WTB: Oceanic 56G Tank

    WTB: Oceanic 56G Tank Drilled/ReefReady or not. Must not be noticeably scratched (will be used as a PDF vivarium).
  15. radiata

    WTB - 50G Oceanic

    Looking for a 50G Oceanic, either RR or not...
  16. radiata

    150W Ice Cap MH Ballast

    For Sale: 150W Ice Cap MH Ballast Used for about 8 years. Really bulletproof - I never had a problem with it. Comes with some wiring for the lamp fixture. Taken out of service when I switched to LEDs. $30 delivered to the March 31st meeting.
  17. radiata

    Shelf Rock

    Looking to buy a large piece of either "live" or "Marco" shelf rock. Want a piece 24 to 30" long, 8 to 10" wide and 2 to 4" thick.
  18. radiata

    Bio-Pellet Survey...

    Is anyone happy with the results of their using "Bio-Pellets" to reduce phosphates? I'm delighted with the nitrate reduction, but my phosphate reduction is questionable. If you are happy with your phosphate reduction, please let us know the brand of pellets you are using, the phosphate...
  19. radiata

    High End Refractometer

    Here's a link to a refractometer that was designed to to read from 0 1.020-1.040 which apparently gives you 2.5 times the (visual) resolution of the 0-100 scale that comes with most refracrometers...