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Search results

  1. Sunny

    For Sale - QT accessories

    Tank is used. 10g Tank 7x Cuprisorb Wisper AP150 air pump 2x fishing nets Thermometer LED light $70 Cash only - Pickup in Monroe, NJ
  2. Sunny

    For Sale - Coral accessories

    Everything is brand new 2x Revive Coral dip (one is opened used 3 caps only) BRS 1ml dosage pump 150 Frag plugs $90 Cash only - Pickup in Monroe, NJ
  3. Sunny

    For Sale - Chemipure Bio Filter and NLS Pellets Package

    Everything is brand new. 5x Chemipure 1x Chemipure Elite 1x NLS Marine Pellets $60 Cash only - Pickup in Monroe, NJ
  4. Sunny

    For Sale - AquaClear 110 and AquaClear 70 Media Package

    Everything is brand new 110 5x - Replacement Foam Pads 4x - Replacement Carbon I pack Bio Media 70 12x Replacement Foam Pads $75 Cash only - Pickup in Monroe, NJ
  5. Sunny

    For Sale - RO/DI membrane and filter package

    Everything is brand new 3x 5 micron Carbon Filter 75 GPH Filmtech Membrane Spectra Pure Silica Buster Cartilage $75 Cash only - Pickup in Monroe, NJ
  6. Sunny

    Apex Neptune and EB8

    Have both and in great working condition. No probes or wires. Just what the title says. $300 cash for both. Pickup in Monore - 08831 Sunny
  7. Sunny

    Look what I found - another 20L

    Free to a good home. Pickup in Monroe - 08831. Thanks Sunny
  8. Sunny

    Rubbermaid Stock tanks

    100G - $75 150G - $100 Pickup in Monroe, NJ - 08831 Cash only. Look like this,
  9. Sunny

    20L and 20H

    I have two 20L tanks and two 20 20H Free to a good home. Picked up in Monroe - NJ 08831
  10. Sunny

    Frozen Food

    Hello all I have a bunch of frozen food available. I would prefer to sell it to one person who can use it all. 10 packs of mysis shrimp 3 packs of plankton 7 packs of brine shrimp 1 large 40oz pack of PE Mysis Shrimp. $100 for everything. Cash is best. pickup in Monroe - 08831 Sunny
  11. Sunny

    Live Stock For Sale

    I will be breaking down the 600G slowly. First up are a few fishes :- Black Tang - 5 inches - $1200 Hawaiian Yellow Tangs - 4 inches - $250 - Two available. Dussermeri Tang - 6 - 7 inches - $400 Take all 4 for $1800 All fish are fat and healthy - Cash only. Pics are in my build thread...
  12. Sunny

    5 gallon and 2 gallon gasoline cans

    5 gallon - 2 available 2 gallon - 4 available Free - pickup in Monroe. - 08831 Thanks Sunny
  13. Sunny

    600G setup

    Hello All It is a hard decision but it is time for the 600G setup to go. I know this is not everyone's cup of tea but wanted to list it here first and see if there is any interest. 600G tank and stand 150G sump SRO 8000xp internal skimmer All cleaning accessories which includes magnets worth...
  14. Sunny

    40 Breeder Setups

    3 full setups available. Everything is in perfect condition. 40 breeder tank only 36 inch LED light - plenty for fish only or softies and monties (I had some) Jager heater Aqua Clear 110 filter - no media Cleaning Magnet $100 each Pickup in Monore, NJ - 08831 I will not break these up. This...
  15. Sunny

    Liquidating all my stuff - Phase 1- Multiple full tank setups for sale

    Hello all I am at a point where I need to start cutting down and get out of the hobby. I have been slowly cleaning and getting things ready to move. I have multiple setups available that are in perfect condition. Located in Monroe, NJ - 08831 I will start with 75 gallon setups first Setup 1...
  16. Sunny


    Toxic red tide is making Floridians sick — and angry
  17. Sunny

    Who carries Weld on 16?

    Cannot seem to find it in HD or Lowes? I know amazon has it but I need some today. Any idea who carries it locally?
  18. Sunny

    Fish for sale - 08831

    Now that I have moved most of my fish into the main display, I have a few fish left that are up for grabs. Pair of Bimac Anthias - $100 Supermale Rosy Scales Wrasse - $100 Fish eat everything. Cash only and pickup only in Monroe - NJ - 08831 Thanks Sunny
  19. Sunny

    Achilles Tang FS - Monroe 08831

    I have a 4 inch Achilles tang that I bought 4 months ago from POTO. She has been in my 75 gallon waiting to go into my 600 DT. However, I found a 6 inch specimen that I like and will be putting that in my DT instead. Eats pellets, frozen, flakes, nori and my fingers at times. Very healthy...
  20. Sunny

    Live Sand FS - Monroe, NJ - 08831

    Folks I have 2 , 20 lb bags of live sand left over. I ordered 5 but only needed 3 with my aquascaping. Nature's Ocean Bio-Activ Live Aragonite Saltwater Aquarium Sand, Natural White #1 $20 each. Picked up in Monroe, NJ. Cash only please. Pics are in the link above. Sunny