• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Search results

  1. UsamaCh.

    Keystone Clash 2025

    Hello fellow reef keepers! Vendor application for the 2025 Keystone Clash is now live! Still working to bring in more saltwater representation. Last year there was only one vendor. You can definitely share a space and split the cost. There’s even free spaces for non-profits so the club can...
  2. UsamaCh.

    Planted Saltwater Display

    Currently setting up a planted saltwater display for the Atlantic Aquariums booth at the Keystone Clash! The full setup will be on display and then raffled off on the last day (Sunday). There is a playlist regarding the set-up on my Youtube Channel Prof. FishTanks! Still new to the world of...
  3. UsamaCh.

    Affordable Return Pump Alternative!!

    I wanted to ask if there are any affordable (< $100) return pumps that are rated for 900-1000 gph and has a similar footprint to the Sicce Syncra Silent 1.5. I appreciate any help and input!
  4. UsamaCh.

    All Glass Aquarium Mega-Flow Sump Model 3 Specs

    Hello! Does anyone currently (or in the past) have a All Glass Aquarium Mega Flow wet/dry sump model 3? I'm trying to figure out the dimensions of the return pump area to figure out what size pump will fit in it. Also trying to figure out what the size for the hose for the drain (water going...
  5. UsamaCh.

    Stockton University's Environmental Forum

    I will be at the Atlantic Aquariums booth. If you are in the area I hope to see you at the Environmental Forum event this Sunday at the main campus in Galloway, NJ!
  6. UsamaCh.

    Apex vs. Hydros

    I used to be a fan of Neptune Systems Apex but lately a lot of issues. I have started hearing about CoralVue Hydros and wanted to see if anyone has experience and thoughts on it?
  7. UsamaCh.

    Dr. G’s Marine Aquaculture

    Has anyone ever used Dr. G’s Marine Aquaculture products and if so what’s your thoughts on it?
  8. UsamaCh.

    Coral ID Please!

    Heys guys can I get a ID on this coral please? I believe it is a LPS. Thanks!
  9. UsamaCh.

    Keystone Clash 2024!

    From the Keystone Clash FB page: “Attention saltwater clubs, hobbyists, and businesses! Keystone Clash 2024 (October 4, 5, 6th) will have a dedicated area for a club(s) and/or business to host a saltwater event. This event could be a frag show, frag swap, etc. The event can be Friday and/or...
  10. UsamaCh.

    Stockton University’s Second Annual Event!

    The Stockton University Aquarium & Aquaculture Club is hosting its 2nd annual event next year! Currently looking for vendors. Freshwater & Saltwater friendly!
  11. UsamaCh.

    Potential Ban on Banggai Cardinalfish

    Below was posted on Facebook by a fellow aquarist. “ What happened: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has proposed 4(d) rule NOAA–NMFS–2023–0099 which would ban the import or export of the Banggai cardinalfish into and out of the United States regardless of its source...
  12. UsamaCh.

    Reefing USA-NJ

    Did anyone go to the Reefing USA event in Secaucus, NJ this past Sunday?? I was surprised with how small it was but still had a great turn out.
  13. UsamaCh.

    Stockton University's Fish-A-Palooza Aquarium & Aquaculture Show

    Hope to see you guys there! I'll be at the Atlantic Aquariums booth. Campus Center Event Room: 101 Vera King Farris Dr, Galloway, NJ 08205
  14. UsamaCh.

    Black Ear Wrasse

    Hey guys! Was wondering if anyone has any experience with black ear wrasses? What’s their diet? Are they known jumpers, do they need a sand bed? Algae eaters?
  15. UsamaCh.

    Titanium Heater w/ Controller Recommendations

    Hey guys! Looking for titanium heater recommendations that has a controller w/ probe. I was looking at the Finnex one but reviews don't look promising. Any thoughts?
  16. UsamaCh.

    Help with Jebao DCP-2500

    So I’m using the jabeo dcp-2500 return pump with sine wave technology. The lowest we are able to set it to is FO30. Then it just displays PO10. The instructions are not really clear as we try to “unlock” the controls but nothing happens. Basically does anyone have any experience with setting...
  17. UsamaCh.

    Keystone Clash 2023

    Hey guys! Vendor/Hobbyist registrations are now open for the 2023 Keystone Clash! I am good friends with the current chair and he was telling how they really want to have more saltwater vendors at the event and now have a saltwater section. For more information feel free to visit the link...
  18. UsamaCh.

    Fish-A-Palooza event at Stockton University

    Not sure if I can post this here but if not I’ll delete it. Was trying to get permission but no response. The Stockton Aquarium & Aquaculture Club is hosting its first annual Fish-A-Palooza event! There will be speakers, raffles as well as a vendor/exhibitor floor. Currently looking for vendors...
  19. UsamaCh.

    Marineland Marine Series Skimmers

    Does anyone have experience with this protien skimmer by Marineland? I believe it’s discontinued but certain online stores have them. What are your thoughts?
  20. UsamaCh.

    PVC Fitting for Jebao DCP-2500

    I'm trying to find a pvc fitting size that will screw on the Jebao DCP-2500. Appreciate the help!