Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
My point was this was sprung on me at my home...not asked BEFORE that day. If an agenda of that sort is proposed then I could have said yea or nay to it or had an idea on what was to be discussed. More importantly I dont think that part of having the meeting was so much an issue as to how the...
Ok.... I wasn't going to post about the Video chat, but since it has been brought up....
First, It was entirely inappropriate that this was sprung on me when the party was started at my home. I was not even asked about this before hand, and if I had....I would have said NO!
Having these meets...
the sponge is there...think I have the ceramics///no light...I had Kessils...but moving them over a quarantine tank has Radions..
I have SPS and LPS....but all are in my 450 display...
they are 20x24 x 9 inch....can look up JBJ frag tanks....has pump...might have a nano skimmer too..has frag rack for bottoms...$ 100 each..
I am in West Deptford NJ
Looking forward to another fun meet and great on this nice Sunday! The fish are smiling and the corals....ahh, will have to come see for yourself!