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Search results

  1. MonmouthReef

    SPS Frags

  2. MonmouthReef

    Acan frags.

    Interested in the 4th one, PM'd
  3. MonmouthReef

    Frags- Zoas, pulsing xenia, leptoseris, etc

    I'm in Aberdeen NJ! What type of zoas?
  4. MonmouthReef

    Frags- Zoas, pulsing xenia, leptoseris, etc

    Hi I have a few frags I would perfer trade if anyone has any beginner friendly SPS, LPS, or Zoas (sorry for the poor pictures) 07747 Nirvana zoanthid on rock (10 heads with 2 small blue shrooms) - $25 (This rock also has a little blue hypnea growing on it also) Pink mohawk (11 heads)- $20 Hulk...
  5. MonmouthReef

    Dry/Wet rocks

    LOL I should've picked some up before I left
  6. MonmouthReef

    Dry/Wet rocks

    Anyone have any spare large pieces of rock? I recently upgraded and need to fill the tank a bit.
  7. MonmouthReef


    Real name to appear- Achint NJRC handle -MonmouthReef Shirt Size - L Color - Meadow Shipped or pick-up - Pickup Just set payment
  8. MonmouthReef

    Full tank shots, Lets see em

    Heres my 10 gallon nano tank! I gotta give a special thanks to you mark for giving me these rocks during the summer! Right now I'm dealing with a bit of a hair algae outbreak :(
  9. MonmouthReef

    Free Leather Coral

    How big is it approximately?
  10. MonmouthReef

    Grape caulerpa for free! 07747

    Hey guys I was cleaning out my refugium and got a little less than a quart of grape caulerpa if anyone wants it!
  11. MonmouthReef

    ANNOUNCEMENT, THOUGHTS - New 3d forum and member service

    This is a great idea! I've been following consumer 3D printers for a long time this might be the push I need to buy one! A big limiting factor for me was how often I would actually use it!
  12. MonmouthReef

    Some Corals for sale - Moderators Please Close

    Good luck moving! I messaged you about some leathers and the green monti
  13. MonmouthReef

    Fighting Conch? Any LFS carry them?

    Ocean gallery was definitely a cool place I couldnt help myself and picked up a pretty big colony of zoas too.
  14. MonmouthReef

    Fighting Conch? Any LFS carry them?

    I called around and found one at ocean gallery I never been there, but I'll be in the area anways later today I'm excited to check them out!
  15. MonmouthReef

    Fighting Conch? Any LFS carry them?

    @Haus I was so sad when I heard that place got shut down I used to go there all the time. I'll look into a tiger conch as well I'll probably just get whatever is available!
  16. MonmouthReef

    Fighting Conch? Any LFS carry them?

    @Avrohom @Haus Thanks I'll definitely give them a call. I feel like the saltwater section at aquaridise was really bare last time I went. That may have been due to peak covid though.
  17. MonmouthReef

    Fighting Conch? Any LFS carry them?

    Hi I was wondering if anyone knows of any LFS that carries fighting conch in the area (monmouth county) or near Summit NJ! Thanks!
  18. MonmouthReef

    Anyone have any chaetomorpha or macroalgae?

    Thanks again to everyone who reached out and Peter for the macro!
  19. MonmouthReef

    Anyone have any chaetomorpha or macroalgae?

    Thanks for the offers everyone! I just got a bunch of macro and two Ricordea from @fisheye ! I'll post some pictures later!