Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
I'm doing pretty good. Really missing the hobby. Still have the tanks, but very bare. Hoping to fix them up this month and try to be active again!
Sending PM
I really don't know why this idea just popped into my mind, but I just had an Idea to add oxygen to my RO water because it it well water with super high carbon dioxide content. It has been recommended to me MANY time to start bubbling my water before running through DI resin so I just thought...
Well the passing storm tonight decided to play with the electric and I have a feeling it may have fried my Reef keeper. I was watching TV and I heard an electrical buzz from under the tank and then the power went out for 10 sec. When it came back on my moonlights didn't but everything else...
+1 Great offer and I like the way you spelled out the future selling of said frags!
George, That's kind of sucky to steer any willing participants away from the man after you compliment him especially in his thread!...Sorry
Mike, Can you make an RSVP page? Or os someone on the BOD or board in charge? It is real easy to do. I could walk you through it if no one ever taught you.
LMAO, That is funny and sad at the same time!
I think Mike and Nikki should get an award or become Honorary members for hosting the most meetings!Dance
Interesting concept, but I agree with the confusion. I think this should have been rolled into the meeting to get more attendees and also not be confusing. Was the July meeting confirmed? If not it could have been scheduled then or one of the 2 months on the schedule as Swap maybe?
As far as...
Tank is looking GREAT Darren, but of course that is no surprise! Wish I didn't miss the meeting, but had tickets to the circus that day with the family, purchased back in Feb. Of course my luck had to be the same day as you hosted. I wanted to check out the new system and see everything and...
Over the years I've brought a couple back from that condition. It's amazing how they end up in the sumps. I am sure they are already spoken for, but if they fall through I've been looking for one.
I have a ton of questions but for now I will ask: How much attention does it require? Can anything go wrong and foul the system? Looking forward to following this one!
They did three remote starts for me over the years. I do think they are a little pricey, but they gained my confidence and do clean work.
That is so funny!