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New Article Release!
"Top 5 Beginner LPS Corals That are Easy and Stunning"
Starting your journey into the vibrant world of reef keeping? Look no further than these beginner-friendly Large Polyp Stony (LPS) corals that combine ease of care with visual spectacle. This guide is dedicated to...
New Article Release!
"Top 5 Beginner Soft Corals: The Perfect Start to Your Reef Tank"
Starting your reef tank journey? Look no further than soft corals! Known for their resilience and minimal care requirements, soft corals are ideal for novices eager to dive into the world of marine aquaria...
New Article Release!
"Mastering Trachyphyllia Care: Lighting, Feeding, and Placement Tip"
Trachyphyllia corals are a favorite among reef aquarium enthusiasts for their vibrant colors and unique, wavy appearance. However, mastering their care requires specific attention to lighting, feeding...
Hello everybody! I am looking for some beginner friendly corals to get my tank up and running.
Anybody want to get rid of some small frags for cheap? Pretty new to this but have done tons of research