• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.


  1. ZPnanoreefgal

    Godzilla Yuma

    On the hunt for a Godzilla Yuma, any one know where I can’t get my hands on one that won’t break the bank?
  2. willdaddy

    Baby God's spawn

    $100 bucks takes this baby
  3. Ultimate Corals

    Lots of sweet corals at Ultimate Corals

    Lots of new goodies. Get them before they hit the website. PM us with any questions or to place an order. 1. $1000 2.$30 3. $60 4. $30 5. $60 6. $125 7. $150 8. $125 9. $60 10. $100 JF Paranoia Favia 11. $30 12. $100 13. $30 14. $30 15. $30 16...
  4. Ultimate Corals

    Weekend walkthrough at Ultimate Corals

    Weekend walkthrough at Ultimate Corals