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150 rr on facebook just saw via South Jersey Saltwater Fish And Corals And Invertebrates Swap


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus

Dominique Giansantito South Jersey Saltwater Fish And Corals And Invertebrates Swap

1 hr ·

150 gallon RR aquarium. I’m getting out of the hobby for a while. My loss is your gain. Selling the whole set up for $350 OBO. Everything is included. It’s been set up and running for 5 years. Everything works perfect. (Except for the stand. It could use some paint or a refinish or something. It’s kind of a sad looking stand but is structurally good). Live rock (probably 200lbs?), sand(if u want it), 2 powerheads, sump, protein skimmer, return pump, auto top off, and 3 stage RO system. Again, my loss really is your gain with this set up.... only thing not included is fish.
go to site for pics..