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180 Build need advise

Ok well in August I am moving into my new house. I am gonna stick with a 180g tank like I have now but do not wanna transfer the tank and everything in it so I wanna get a new tank and when its ready I will transfr verything into it. So heres what I wanna do :
BK 250 Internal
RD 10 return pump
2 Tunze 6100's on controller
mainly just reef ceramic rock and a few pieces ofLR
2 3/4 seaswirls on return
moonlights on lunar system
400w MH's on Lumernarc's III
VHO's on dimmer
1/2 HP Chiller
Ok now for the set up where I need help is I wanna build it as a room divider veiwable on 3 sides. The house is set up where when you walk in the living room is open right into the kitchen. So i was thinking build it between both rooms. The house is 14 feet wide I was thinking of a metal stand w/ removable sides and the top has to open to get inside the tank. I was thinking of making it so that there is a one foot wider all the way around the tank so that there would be more space beow it for the equiptment. I do not have a basement so I cant plumb it to there. the tank is 6'x2'x2' so the stand would be 7'x4'x3.5 or 4'. I wanna have the tank so that the bottom of the tank is belly level for better veiwing instead of having to bend down to look at it. I want hte outside of the tank to have a distinct look. not just sheetrock and paint or wood you know what I mean. Please let me know if you have any ideas for the outside and also to build the stand. Thanx
Laminate (formica) over plywood? Lots of choices to match the room. It can look good if done right, but it will definately look very bad otherwise.

FYI, I built my previous stand with oak plywood, dyed (not stained) black and sealed with satin poly. The dye was difficult to work with.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I don't know how well it would fit into your house "look" but I saw a guy who did a stone wall around/under his fishtank and it was gorgeous! I'll see if I can dig up some photos.

Good luck with the move.
Here is a pic of my room divider tank

Thanks RichT

This is the before picture, These types of tanks are a challenge to do but we are very happy with the results.

Changed the whole feel of the space.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Yes, it dose indeed change the whole feel of the space. My setup is very similar to yours in that it's between the kitchenette and living room, viewable on 3 sides with cabinets from floor to ceiling. I'm not ready to post picks as the staining, poly, and a little trim is yet to be completed (I know, it's been almost a year) In hindsight, I would have definitely went with a deeper (front to back) tank. My 150 is only 18" deep and it makes for difficult aquascaping. Unfortunately, my current tank is scheduled to have an irreversible problem in the future and will most definitely need to be replaced with a 24" or even 30" deep tank. (Shhh....don't tell my wife :D) Luckily and unplanned, the stand and cabinets will be easy to modify.
Love to see pics richt, yes 18 is a challenge (thats what mine is) I wish I went deeper. I also have to deal with the height (tank is 42 inches off the ground and 26 inches high) getting to the bottom is almost impossible. I only have access from one side so getting to the other side is very diffucult. I may add a access from the other side in the future.

It sounds like you need to get rid of that 18 inch and go bigger. I'm sure you could find a taker for the 18 one. LOL