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2 Cinnamon stripe-less clowns for sale or trade

I just bought these two guys from ACC this past week and have them in my QT. They are eating everything. I decided after doing some in depth research that in time they will be too aggressive for my "Peace not War" tank. They are really beautiful and act like a mated pair. Love to get $40 for the pair or trade for a pair of more peaceful clowns. If you like I can hold them for the full QT period and then they could go right into a buyers tank. Been in QT for a week already.

Thanks for looking...

Bumping this up, just finishing QT week two and doing great. Really looking to sell or trade for less aggressive clowns etc.


Officer Emeritus
Mark. I'd keep um. You tank has plenty of space. All clowns are territorial. My maroon has his spot. The other fish learn not to bother him.

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