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20 Gallon Cube

So I finally did it! Got my 20 cube all set up, fish got ich 2 weeks into it got them all in a quarantine tank. 2 didn’t make it. But so far so good coral wise. I have 2 clowns, a hippo, and a hawk fish. Algae is starting to grown on my aquascape but I’m not sure what kind of clean up crew to get other than hermits. Anyone know what these little amoeba looking things are on the glass?IMG_9602.jpeg


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
rock work is definitely sick!

dont want to be that guy but I hope you have plans to move that hippo to a bigger tank or rehome it with someone with a larger tank when it gets bigger. once it gets bigger than everyone else, it can get very aggressive and start issues with your other fish and the tang and other fish are not gonna have an awesome time. again dont want to be that guy as i have done this in the past but learned that tangs definitely require the space.

the amoeba looking things are acoela flat worms (i assume) usually harmless but they can over grow in population and get annoying, you can siphon them up to control numbers or some wrasse species will eat them.

looking forward to the tank maturing, dont hesitate to ask questions here or other places. you’ll definitely learn a lot from others!


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Nice work !! I already know where you work so not even worried about the tangs hahahaha!! We've all done it. Been there done that.