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54 corner tight squeeze sump troubles

So i recently realized my 10 gallon (glass) sump was cracked along the back. When i originally put the tank in my stand, the 54 corner was empty and i simply lowered the 10 in from the top. well now the tank is heavily stocked and is finally running up to par. the sump doesn't appear to be leaking dramatically, but i do get a little bit of salt creep down the back over the period of about a month. I was wondering if anyone had the same set-up, or close enough to verify if ill be able to get the 10 gallon in and out of the door on the front, because i dont want to rip my whole sump apart only to find out im going to have to make an entire day out of it to break down my display just to move the sump out, and lower it down from the top regardless. Its not an urgent matter but i could really use a little bit of assurance of what my options are? thanks!
I have the same setup. Its unfortunate that we can only fit a 10 gal sump but yes I am able to pull the sump in and out of the cabinet with little problem. You would be surprised at the amount of equipment you can fit under there. I have the oceanic stand with the glass front door. Not sure if your stand has the same opening.tank.jpgIMG_0604.jpg. I am always interested in speaking with other with the same tank. PM me if you would like to discuss.