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90 Gallon Corner Reef Ready Saltwater tank & stand +++

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NJRC Member
90 Gallon Corner Reef Ready Saltwater tank & stand
Includes 90 gallon reef ready corner tank, black wood stand, acrylic eshopps sump, Dannon 18B return pump, sand and reef rock.
Would make a great tank for growing out corals
Front glass is scratched, will need new bulkheads and new tubing from return pump to bulkheads.
Also included is a couple older power heads, heat, a bucket of sand, test kit, net, siphon.

May have a "project" light to include as well, something that may need wire repair.


Asking $250
Accept Paypal
Dumont NJ 07628


Staff member
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NJRC Member
How bad is the scratches?
I've been looking for a 90g corner for a while now!


NJRC Member
To be honest, more that you probably would want.
I have a guy interested in using it as a turtle tank/fish half and half tank.
If that falls through I will get better pics of the scratching for you though.

I had delusions of buffing it out. Just too lazy to be honest!


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NJRC Member
Sounds good, I've buffed out scratches before it's not a bad task when the tank is dry!
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