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A few corals I am looking for..

I am looking for the following..

Euphyllia yaeyamaensis This is at the top of my list.. A single head is all I need I'm willing to grow it out.

Euphyllia cristata looking for green tip and purple tip of this species Again, single head will be fine

Euphyllia baliensis This is kinda new to the hobby, but figured it might be worth a shot..

I'm also looking for odd ball colors of any Euphylia.. I lost my orange torch, but have feelers out for one right now.. Purple and gold frags would be great.
Bi color ancor / frogspawn.

Also interested in a small slipper coral..

and lastly, carnation / tree corals (nps) Just frags of any of colors.

If you can email me with what you have and how much you are asking that would be great.. I will let you know if I can get it at that time (depends on price vs. funds) :)

Thanks for looking everyone.