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About time to change bulbs?

Well the last day or two I've noticed brown algae on my sand. I've never had this happen so i figured it's probably time to change my bulbs? I've had them since i started my reef so about Oct which i think is a lot longer then i should of went with PC. any thoughts?
Which bulbs should i go with this time? I've got attics right now but should i go with 2 50/50 or what.
Thanks a bunch,
Well,your bulbs are about 9 months old. They are near to their replacement point, so you could replace them now.

I'm not sure if that would solve your problem though. There could be other factors involved.

I tend to like 50/50 bulbs, but there are a lot of valid combos. I think it's mostly a personal preference.
I think 50/50's would be cool the attinc makes my room dark blue ::)
What else could the algae be from i though you started getting algae on your sand when you need to replace them. I guess i'll try that and if not i'll try and figure out whats wrong.
If I have an algae problem, the first thing I look for are sources of nitrates and phosphates. It's amazing when you think about all the possible sources.

From your tap water, if you are not using RO/DI water.
From low quality carbon.
From low quality salts.
From feeding your fish and feeding other livestock.

The next thing I'd look at would be the the filtration system and how much are you feeding.

Those are the key areas, but they are by no means inclusive.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Everything I've ever read says to replace PC bulbs every 6m. I've read some people say that the color spectrum shifts after 3. That's the first thing I'd do if nothing in your regimen has changed.
Dave everythings good, PC's are around 6 months i though,thats why i said i went longer then i should have. well i'm going to get some and see what happens maybe i can fix the on/off switch too :p