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Acrylic prices going up?

In the past few days I've been in contact with Tenecor in regards to a room divider tank, the guy that got back to me stated prices will be going up by 10 to 15% next week due to acrylic cost. Does anyone know if this is a sales tactic or more than likely the truth.


ps: No I won't divulge my plans at this time but it's going to be really cool and more than twice the size of my existing tank ;D ;D ;D

Any other time, I'd say it's a sales ploy....But with oil prices at $99 + a barrel, he's probably telling the truth... I've noticed that the prices of petroleum based products have gone up a lot recently, eg. trash bags, etc.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I believe it, I heard the boss talking to one of our contractors today and stone from the quarry is going up 15%. I guess EVERYTHING is going up due to fuel costs. Where are we heading??? Pretty scary
yea anything petroleum based will be seeing a big bump in prices. I heard on the radio the other day that gas will be 3.50-4.00 by the spring time.

Well since basically EVERYTHING has to be trucked from where it is to where its going I guess things will be tough for a while!!!

Anybody have a fusion reactor powering their pumps and lights?? LOL
I heard that if you put your whole house through a solar panal upgrade the goverment will pay 75%-85% of the transformation after you have already paid for it. It's a $20,000-$40,000 upgrade to your house and it's really ugly but i'm sure in the long run you'll save a boat load of money.
that would look really good their just open up the wallet and DONT be so tight u only live once mmmmm thinking u might have to get the little ones a job