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Air water & ice typhoon extreme III


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Does anyone know how reduce the water to flow to the DI on this unit.

im still registering TDS on my handheld and according to the firm, this might be a solution


Staff member
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NJRC Member
There is. It's the Di bypass. Which is currently closed.
I have a TEIII as well, but I dropped the DI years ago.. I tried adding it back about a year ago, and the TDS was 230 out of the DI and 2 out of RO, so I just dropped it. Obviously, the LFS gave me bad stuff. LOL

Anyway, you could probably put a thumb valve to restrict the flow a bit? btw, I have a valve inbound since I max out the 100psi AWI pressure valve and I keep it at about 70psi and I had no issues with DI when I had it setup originally.

You could also call AWI since they are more than willing to help even if your unit is older.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Does anyone know how reduce the water to flow to the DI on this unit.

im still registering TDS on my handheld and according to the firm, this might be a solution
I can not believe they suggested this, It goes against all I have ever been told about restricting the output??? What is the tds before the DI?

Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
There is so much wrong is this thread I don't even know where to begin.

Let's start with...

How old is your membrane and all your filters?


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
The machine is only 3-4 months old...
has made about 120 gallons of water
at most


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Can you post a pic of your di unit as it's setup? The problem may just be a wrong intake/ discharge connection on one of the canisters.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Are you using DI from AWI? From what I've heard, their DI isn't the greatest. Before you add any valves or do anything to the unit, try another brand of DI media.