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Alkalinity ?


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Is the alkalinity of my water to high? It's measuring at 300ppm. Is this why my Xenia seems to be disintegrating? How do i reduce it if it's to high? PH is 8.5.

Your 300 breaks down to about to a dkh of 17.

Are you running a calcium reactor on the tank? Or are you adding manually to it?

I had an issue with my tank the the corals did not look right. Checked the dkh and I was at 18. Fortunately did not suffer any loss, but I shut down the reactor for about 2 days and turned it back on this time at a slower drip.

You are definately going to have problems with a number that large. Need to get it down to about 170-200 ppm or dkh or 8-10.


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
I do not add anything to the tank. Only thing I did about 2 or 3 weeks ago was add Kent Supper Buffer because the PH was at 7.8.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I damn near killed my whole tank with PH buffer. Be very careful with it.
What kind of salt are you using? Something is raising that dkh, need to find it.

Like Rich said, that buffer can make things in the tank change overnight.


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
I have a strong feeling it was the buffer. Salt mix is usually IO or Marine Sea, I think. Ran out and need to get more salt.


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Think the problem was the buffer. I tested my tap and here are the readings:
Nitrate - 10
Nitrite - 0
Hardness - 75
PH - 6.8
Alkalinity - 0

Will be doing a 10 gallon water change in a little while and test again.
Buffers = baaad ju-ju. I have seen a lot of people do major crashes because of them. For example, your Ph is low. You add buffer and it becomes normal. Few days later, it is low again, but not quite as bad, you add buffer, it goes normal. Few days later, what ever was causing your Ph to be low in the first place fixes itself and POW, major high Ph spike. Happens all the time to people who come into my store. I had a guy just 2 days ago come in with a Ph that was so high, the test kit was nearly black it was such a dark blue.