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Whats a good product for testing alkalinity levels?? Also if alk seems to be on the higher side is that good or bad?? thanks in advance!!
Im using the redsea alk test kit.. Its showing the higher range and looks to be above 4meq/l... Is it a bad thing if its on the higher side?
not if your trying to kill cyano....lol double check it and also check your calcium. its probably low. water changes will straigten it out for the most part.
what are you dosing for alk and calcium?
Im dosing b-ionic 2 part.... haha and yes i do have a little cyano i wouldnt mind getting rid of... so thats how you do it!!!haha
I was using Salifert, but since they have had significant quality problems with this particular test I have been trying others.

Currently I use Sera for routine tests. It is quick and easy and gets you in the ballpark. When I am concerned about the results because they are near my desired upper or lower operating limits, I use Lamotte.
RG81 said:
Im dosing b-ionic 2 part.... haha and yes i do have a little cyano i wouldnt mind getting rid of... so thats how you do it!!!haha
I would get a second test kit to be sure your numbers are correct and to have something to compare to. I would also use the b ionic as a buffer and not to adjust your alk and calcium. try using kent turbo calcium or super buffer to adjust then maintain the desired numbers with the b ionic.