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Almost averted disaster, I think

Well I get home last night at about 9pm to the smell of something burning. I trace it to the room that houses my tank. Finally I find out that my F'n prizim skimmer that I was just recently telling someone how well it seems to work for me, is leaking. The o-ring that seal the collection cup is partially unseated and has been that way since early that morning. Needless to say under the tank on the shelf heald all the water it could and then it made its way to the surge strip. and into the outlets. The heater is dead, the strip is almost all burned out. Oddly enough part of the strip still worked and my power heads were still going. So I go to the circut box and cut powere to the room, clean up and turn it back on. All is well. I take the heater from my frag tank to use in my DT and im good to go. To heat the frag tank I use my two preprogrammed 25w heaters that I mix salt with. All is well right? I wake up this morning and check everyone, DT Fine, Frag tank, not so much. No power. Apparently I for got to hit the reset switch on the surge strip for the frag tank. No movement, no heat, no nothing for about 8hrs. everything looks good but I'll have to wait and see. Sorry for my long story, had to tell someone.
Well as of right now everything seems fine. The zoos in the frag tank are about half closed but the acros, montis, and chalice all seem no worse for wear.
On another note George, that hammer is doing great and my clown pair went in about 3 weeks ago and rarely stray far from it. every once in a while you will just barely catch a glimpse of them swimming through the branches inside.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
That's good to hear. I was going to ask you about it, but thought you had more important things to worry about right now. ;)
Wow a lot happened in a short period of time. So is the prizm skimmer still ok to use? Seems like the O-ring didn't move by itself right? or you think it was defective?

Speaking of "almost"...I lost internet access last night and was thinking that was strange - and then shortly thereafter we lost power. I then did my usual thing of getting the battery powered pump going. More than anything I was concerned about heat loss. Anyways all is well. Thank goodness the power loss was only for an hour or so. I really need to invest in a backup-generator. (but a camera lens seems so much better for christmas..hahaha).
Wow a lot happened in a short period of time. So is the prizm skimmer still ok to use? Seems like the O-ring didn't move by itself right?

User error. Skimmer is good but when I put the cup back on the ring just got a bit twisted. All is well now, only lost a power strip and a heater. Thank god.