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Am I risking my sps by switching to a 20k bulb

I currently have a 70W sunpod over my 12G aqupod. The bulb is a stock 14k bulb but its nearing the time to by a new bulb.

Im thinking of trying out a 20k bulb but I understand that with a 20k you get less growth so im concerned my two birdsnest may die. Should I be concerned?

Also, what bulbs brands would you recommend that are 70 watts? Thanks

I circled the spots where I have the birdsnest right now.
I had a 175w XM 20k and did not like it - way too blue. And it seemed much dimmer than the 175w 12k Reeflux bulb I'm using now.
Changingo a 20k will NOT kill anything. What you migh be thinking of is if your going from 20k to a higher "K" bulb which theintensity of the higher "K" bulb could burn your corals so you would have to acclimate the bulbs to your corals
Thanks for the fast replies. I guess since they say the higher the k value the less growth and since i only have 70 watts for the birdsnest's then it would be harder for them to survive. So they will be fine just grow far less?
As pointed out by others, 20000K bulbs are very blue. Unless you really like the effect, stay with what you have. If you just need some more blue, consider some blue LED moon lights, and run them 24 hours a day.
If you plan on using 20K I would go with either a giesemann or Radium 250watt or higher,it seems those are the only 2 bulbs that most people that run 20K have and are happy with. And they aren't cheep like the 12k reeflux.