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hey everyone, haven't been on the board much since I joined the club because of school.. I have some more free time these days and I have been giving the tank more attention then just water changes and cleaning my skimmer... Now that my 120 is a year old now I want to put in an anemone for my O's to chill with.

Would love to hear some suggestions / recommendations on a good selection for my system

lighting is 10K 250w MH / T5 Actinic and flow is dual tunze 6100 on a 7095 controller...

GBTA's and RBTA's seem to do the best in captivity. And you can even get ones that are split from another anemone rather than a wild caught one.
Mags are the hardest to keep and the hardest to find a healthy specimin, They do need high light and will go to the highest place they can perch. Altought they are the natural host for OCs These clowns will host Haddons carpets and Giant carpets. Haddons Carpets are as hardy as BTAs and will secure to the sandy bottum. A Mag is the hardest anemone to keep. It is possible but the first week or so will be hard, you will have to constantly watch and make sure its not getting sucked up in a PH or a Filter or Overflow. They also can get up to 36 - 48 inches in diameter.

If you have room and find a healthy specimin go for it and def log its progression.

id suggest Go for a GBTA or RBTA they are easier to keep. I have a RBTA now that was 12 -14 inchs before it split.
ReeferNets said:
Mags are the hardest to keep and the hardest to find a healthy specimin, They do need high light and will go to the highest place they can perch. Altought they are the natural host for OCs These clowns will host Haddons carpets and Giant carpets. Haddons Carpets are as hardy as BTAs and will secure to the sandy bottum. A Mag is the hardest anemone to keep. It is possible but the first week or so will be hard, you will have to constantly watch and make sure its not getting sucked up in a PH or a Filter or Overflow. They also can get up to 36 - 48 inches in diameter.

If you have room and find a healthy specimin go for it and def log its progression.

id suggest Go for a GBTA or RBTA they are easier to keep. I have a RBTA now that was 12 -14 inchs before it split.

The Mags seem way to hard. All the local stores in Northern NJ have no good BTAs, any suggestions on local stores? Absolutely fish was asking 150+ for a horrifying looking RBTA. Are there any carpets or bta's available in the local stores in NJ?
Be paitent the RBTAS you see on Drfoster and stuff are wild caught and way too expensive. If you waiting around someones will spilt and depending on the size you can get it for 50 -80 bucks.

I have a 4-6 inch one now that is pending to someone. it just split a week ago


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Ralph will be at the swap and he has an island's worth of RBTAs for sale.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
CamZ28. I would expect so, but you'll have to negotiate that with Ralph. I do know that they have excellent color to them.