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another phosban reactor question

I just got my viaaqua reactor, the directions leave something to be desired and just direct you to see the instructions included with your media, and my little jar of phosban just says to make sure the flow is restricted enough to prevent the granules from tumbling, which would grind them into powder.

So my question is, how low of flow are we talking? The reactor comes with a tiny little powerhead, but to make the granules not tumble I had to use the flow valve almost all the way down. So just the tiniest bit of movement can be seen in a few spots on the surface of the granules, is that right or should it be turned up a bit higher?

Also I have it sitting next to my sump, can it go inside (I hate anything that has the potential to overflow being outside the sump)

Candi, the way you have it is fine. The flow trickles out of my phos reactor.

I have a TLF Phosban Reactor and mine hangs on the back of my sump with the pump in my sump and the exit end of the hose in the sump. I'm not sure you should put the whole reactor inside because just incase something happens the phosban could be let loose inside the sump which won't be good. Better safe than sorry.
Thanks for the response Mike... very true about putting it inside. I ended up using suctions to mount the pump up on the upper part of my sump, at least it couldn't drain to much water that way LOL
You could pick up like a small bucket from a dollar store/hardware store - or even a bucket made for kids at the beach - and just put the reactor in there - it doesn't *have* to hang off the sump - it's just more convenient that way...

i agree with mike tho about keeping it outside the sump.